King of Swords in Outcome Position


I've rec'd this card in the outcome position for two recent readings regarding a certain relationship, and I can't understand if it represents a painful separation from a logical decision, or the powerful uniting of two air signs.

It's not the most 'logical' relationship, actually a rather difficult/taboo one on paper, so if one were to apply 'logic' to it, it simply wouldn't 'be'; which is why it points to separation in my mind. But I'm not sure if I'm feeling that, exactly.

And I'm not sure if this man is to be feared or respected? And who IS the King of Swords, exactly? The Gemini man or the Aquarian woman? Both? Who holds the power here?

As a relationship situation, what does the King of Swords represent? The only things that are coming to me are decisions, karma, laws/rules, divorce. But I'm not sure I'm feeling this. Can the outcome be a positive? Like the power of intellect & honesty to combat a difficult, perhaps unrealstic situation?

Can anyone shed some light on this court card? It's driving me nuts! Surrounding cards have been neither wholly positive or negative either, which makes it even more difficult to understand...


PentQueen said:
As a relationship situation, what does the King of Swords represent? The only things that are coming to me are decisions, karma, laws/rules, divorce. But I'm not sure I'm feeling this. Can the outcome be a positive? Like the power of intellect & honesty to combat a difficult, perhaps unrealstic situation? Can anyone shed some light on this court card? It's driving me nuts! Surrounding cards have been neither wholly positive or negative either, which makes it even more difficult to understand...
Well, that's the King/Swords for you. I mean, you're getting it exactly right here. I usually see King/Swords as Libra, and there is no more even-handed King, or cooly rational King. And there's you're problem. Yes, he is honest. But he's also incredibly fair. So he's not going to use that honesty JUST to combat a difficult situation. He's also going to use it to bluntly tell you how unrealistic the situation is as well.

Imagine this guy saying: "On the one hand...but on the other hand...." over and over again.

You're asking what the outcome is, and you've got that outcome: it's sitting there thinking over the pros and cons and being very fair to each side, and not coming to a decision about it because all you can do is keep thinking about the pros and cons. The cards predicted you'd do this if things stayed the same, and behold. Here you are, doing it. Over-thinking it, unable to come to a decision. Libra holds the decision because the Aquarian woman and the Gemini man can't stop talking about it like lawyers with all sorts of facts and surmises. Only a Libra is willing to listen to both of them. Any other sign wouldn't have the patience. But there's the drawback--Libra will keep listening, waiting till all the facts are in, and so, as long as the lawyers are Gemini and Aquarius, a decision will be delayed and delayed and delayed as the two dredge up more facts and more arguments for their side.

You're taking this card as an answer, as one side or the other. It's not. It's the outcome. And the outcome is that you're going to sit there weighing pros and cons. This is, if you will, a warning from the cards. Trying to make this decision based on logic, on facts and honesty and all that stuff in your going to leave you indecisive.

The message here is very clear. You can't make this decision using facts and logic. The outcome of using your head is that you keep pouring over the evidence. You don't decide.


Hmmm...excellent answer Thirteen. I can't disagree with anything you've said and yet, hadn't thought of this at all. This makes sense as to why I can't really see a positive or negative outcome...or really any outcome at all. You've absolutely cleared it up though; as frustrating as the answer is! ;)

So the king of Swords represents the two of us I suppose...or the mixture we make...interesting how this card has been shown as a result of temperance...what will not mix.

We actually get along quite well, but the coupling, as stated before, is quite taboo. We know this will (and already has) cause problems with those around us, and therefore causes little rifts between us. But your advice is correct--the problem cannot be solved with the head. And while our intellect works together quite well in practical matters, it won't solve those conflicting 'love' issues.

So what to do? Does this card offer any further 'advice' than this? Sooner or later Libra's gonna have to make a ruling, right? And if not, then it looks like Gem and I have a very long-lasting future together, if horribly conflicted...right? Yikes! ;)


PentQueen said:
So what to do? Does this card offer any further 'advice' than this? Sooner or later Libra's gonna have to make a ruling, right? And if not, then it looks like Gem and I have a very long-lasting future together, if horribly conflicted...right? Yikes! ;)
Heh. Yikes indeed.

I recommend that you remove the King/Swords, set him down, shuffle the cards and ask, "What do I need to do to end the indecision over this relationship?" or, if you like, "I understand that this fair-minded King can't help me decide. So who or what must I use to figure out what to do about this relationship?"

Something like that. Then lay out a reading. See what or who the cards tell you to use to help you reach a conclusion as to what to do or where to take the relationship.


I see the King of Swords as a dispassionate participant. Aloof. Cool despite the atmosphere, whatever that may be. Like when you would prefer for him to be emotional, he still stands there and analyzes the facts, intellectualizes.


Thanks for the advice Thirteen; I'm going to take it and pull some new cards to help me figure out the King situation.

And thanks balenciaga, I totally agree with your interp, but it doesn't seem to fit for some reason. I mean, we get along well...there is some conflict, but it doesn't seem as though it would reach that cold, aloof stage...the moon would make more sense to me...the King is too clear in thought. I just don't get it! I need to do a spread asap! :)


It is an air sign way of interacting: one who can step back and not involve oneself emotionally. Like the Aquarian, Gemini, or Libra. When you are with this person you feel as if he/she is missing the emotion-chip. Don't they FEEL?:) They look at the larger picture, not the more immediate personal one that involves them.
Sure, do another spread. Also, you may want to check the 6th position if this was a CC. It often relates to the 10th.


balenciaga said:
It is an air sign way of interacting: one who can step back and not involve oneself emotionally. Like the Aquarian, Gemini, or Libra. When you are with this person you feel as if he/she is missing the emotion-chip. Don't they FEEL?:) They look at the larger picture, not the more immediate personal one that involves them.
Sure, do another spread. Also, you may want to check the 6th position if this was a CC. It often relates to the 10th.

Sigh...yes...I am attracted to mental ability...but I think we are both very caring...if in our own detached ways. He is actually a pretty watery Gem (last day/Cancer cusp); which actually works well, as I have so much Pisces in my chart--I'd consider myself a rather dreamy/poetic Aquarian. I wouldn't say we're unemotional, but he's one of the first people I've met who seem to understand and share my desire to compartmentalize thoughts and emotions. It frustrates me that I do this, but it seems so ingrained. My emotions are definitely there (are they ever!), they just come out at unexpected times, becuase I'm so used to blocking them.

Anyway, the CC I did a month ago, featured the Hermit in the 6th position. Interestingly, the spread I did recently (sans King of Swords) showed the Hermit in the outcome position. I've posted it here:, in case anyone reads this and can post any thoughts there.

Thanks again for your help. I think I'm slowly understanding this card better--boy is it a frustrating one though! :)


Seeker of the Truth

Hermit in the 6th; King SW in the 10th: This analytic king is doing a lot of his/her on research within and without in search of "the truth". They will dig and dig, even in the darkest of places. The Hermit is searching with the help of his lantern for the much larger light, that of the Sun (which is Truth).