King of Wands


Okay, this card has haunted me so far. This morning I did three separate readings but about the same situation but different questioning. You know to fully understand. Not to bug the tarot.

Anyway, this card showed up in all three readings. I'm trying my hardest to understand but I don't get court cards that well.

So, was wondering if anyone out there can help me out. Thanks
The situation is a relationship if that helps.


ana luisa

Well, it would help if you could mention what was the question (persistantly)answered by the King of Wands but if this card refers to an action you should take, , have these characteristics in mind - they all relate to the KofW:

lead the way
take risks
be creative and don´t settle for old approaches
be enthusiastic
be original

Just my 2cts.


It is hard to say without knowing what the supporting cards were, and what question was being asked.

some key words would be proffesionalism, education, ruthless, strict... etc.

If the King is showing up often he might repressent someone in your life, an older person (dad, boyfriend,etc).

Tarot is based off of intuition, but intuition needs a little more information to get going. :)


Someone is putting a lot of energy into something, with consideration for the long-term.


The questions were:
Has my situation with x improved?
Where is x now and thoughts regarding me?
Where am I now and thoughts regarding x?

The first one was a CC spread.
The King of Wands showed up in the crosses postition

The other two were 5 card spreads with no set positions
But for the second one it showed up as the 3rd card
The last question it showed up as the 2nd card

When I say i shuffle, I mean I shuffle until my knuckles hurt. So the cards were well mixed.

Thanks again.


again, I am not seeing how the card relates to other cards around it.

Just a shot in the dark I would say that if it is re-occuring that it is representive of a person. Or it is telling you that you may be overthinking the situation, and making quick decisions.


King Wands is a lot about doing things his way, no matter what else is going on... he is I WANT... not so much in acquistion, but he wants his way and will do what it takes to make it happen... and has the authority, confidence and experience to do it. Being a king he has mastered his desires and can channel them rather than swinging his wand around enthusiastically while everyone around has to duck. He's holding the Ace so to speak and manages it's energy.

How all this applies to your questions and readings... ??? You'd be better off posting them in the readings section.


I see the kings as the guardians of the courts. They can provide safety, but they can also be restrictive, not letting in or out what needs to flow. Depends, of course...

The King of wands guards the firy energies. Äm, of course. :)


Hey, it would be helpful if we could know what were the other cards. The King of Wands is a man (when is a person) who has a strong character, he's a difficult person to live with. He`s charming. They demonstrate your feelings only when they want to. About a situation, the king of wands shows you the energy that you need to do the things, to do the things in a better way. But like someone told you, you can post your reading here in a section called "your readings", it's very helpful


I will post

I will do a post of one of the readings and hopefully I will get some help.
Thanks to all.