Knight of Cups Clarified by Judgement?


How would you interpret the Knight of Cups clarified by Judgment in a relationship spread ?

For me I see it as courtly love (traditional love) between a couple and Judgment would be another way for saying the couple has a karmatic responsibility to each other through this courtly relationship/love?

If you're interesting in the rest of the spread to getting an understanding of the reading, here's the link to that area spread:


Maybe the Knight of Cups has a karmatic duty to this relationship? and the Judgement card is reiterating this notion?


my understanding of this pair has been that something is coming that will change the landscape of things in a permanent way.

Any chance of a pregnancy or miscarriage here?


Hi MaineGirl,

to answer you question, it could be a pregnancy or misscarriage but it is hard to say. generally when the knight of cups is paired w/ judgement (and depending on the surrounding cards on the spread) the pairing could entail pregnancy or some life changing event. but in this case (i could be wrong), the knight of cups was clarified by judgement, they are not a pair, as a clarification card, from my understanding, is simply another way of interpreting the card that requires clarification.

nevertheless, your input could also be a possiblity and i appreicate your response. thanks a bunch!

my understanding of this pair has been that something is coming that will change the landscape of things in a permanent way.

Any chance of a pregnancy or miscarriage here?

Ace of Stars

Knight of Cups clarified by Judgement I would see as someone being unsure how they feel about something so testing the waters until they get a sure sign. They might even put their whole heart into the situation in order to test it properly rather than holding back.

An emotional test.


thank you Ace of stars, i can see how the knight here would feel cautious. thank you.

Knight of Cups clarified by Judgement I would see as someone being unsure how they feel about something so testing the waters until they get a sure sign. They might even put their whole heart into the situation in order to test it properly rather than holding back.

An emotional test.