Knight of Cups keeps appearing!


Slightly weirded out by how often this card keeps appearing. I got it reversed in a spread I did about a job opportunity, where is accurately described a disappointing situation. Then, it represented my inner self in another reading which (given that I'm an INFP) was pretty accurate.

Today, I just got my viva date. I concentrated on the date, shuffled, chose a card - and up comes the Knight of Cups again!

I'm wondering two things. How might the Knight be interpreted as an event (like a viva)? It seems a positive card to me, with connotations of setting out afresh - but I was wondering if there was a specific way of reading it for an event?

Secondly, what does it mean if a card keeps chasing you around like this?


What is a viva date?


A viva is the the exam you have to go through before you can be awarded your PhD. It is an oral exam, where two examiners question you, and you have to defend your thesis. The word 'viva' comes from 'viva voce', meaning 'in living voice' - it's called this because it is a spoken exam.

Viva date - the day that your viva will be held.

Sorry - I should have been more specific in my original post. :)


Sometimes the deck is defective. If a card keeps coming up, I first take a long hard look at how the deck cuts. And I start spreading the deck out in a fan, to pick my final cards.

I tend to get a LOT of repeating cards in my personal readings. Sometimes I am getting repeat cards. Other times I've realized I'm using a defective deck, and need to shuffle and pick cards a little more carefully, when using it.