knight of pents as how someone feels


about someone else in a relationship thread? What do you think?


mtnmermaid said:
about someone else in a relationship thread? What do you think?
I think the Knight/Pents for how someone else feels about you in a relationship spread is a WONDERFUL card to get. It may mean that they're not going to be very romantic or passionate...but they will show affection. Most important, however, it mean that they want to work hard to be worthy of you--and to make the relationship work.

Knight/Pents, to me at least, tries harder than almost anyone else in the deck. No one is more earnest, more determined, more honest. His ideas and morals are a little strict--he doesn't cut corners or cheat. Which, if you're the Queen of Wands wanting a wild time, might annoy you.

But no one is more faithful and true. What he says he's going to do, he'll do. And if you tell him what you want, he'll kill himself trying to achieve it for you.

I've a real soft spot for the Knight of Pents. Treat him right.


Wow, I really need to try harder to connect with these pents court cards. They always seem a little boring and stodgy to me but the way you talk about this one he sounds wonderful. Thank you! It's going into my journal.

Definitely will treat him right too. I think he's more of a sweetheart than I thought. :)


I totally agree with the great description Thirteen gives about this man :thumbsup:.

He is very supportive and has an natural easy going nature, it hard to ruffle his feathers, he learns quickly from his own mistakes and in his mature years (as a knight) he is 'grounded' by the time he reaches King maturity - his coming of age. He is quietly generous, discreet, and will 'offer' his help, time, skill and resources to you (especially if your 'the one'). Yes he has another side, but he may not show it as his pride doesnt always allow this - yet he will own up to it if asked. He may not hold a grudge, but has a good memory.

Just some aspects and thoughts. :)

Elven x


Thanks, I love it! Going in my journal too. :)

So another thought, this is showing up now for a man who's normal significator is King of Wands. What do you make of that? Say he normally has a lot of fire cards on his side of a relationship spread, being the King Wands and all - this knight would show a shift toward being more dedicated, slowing down and paying more attention and care? Big shift considering wands men are much better at starting things than at getting down and dirty and following through to the end.

Also, just to help me wrap my brain around it, I see the wands as being very kinetic, action-oriented people. Pents would be like that too, being the suit of earth, the body etc. but pents men would be less volatile, more unflappable?


Hi mtnmermaid :)
Im wondering if he is near the cusp at the beginning of the earth sign? Close to the Fire?

Elven x


mtnmermaid said:
the King Wands and all - this knight would show a shift toward being more dedicated, slowing down and paying more attention and care?
Being more grounded and humble, yes. Deciding to work for something, slowly and carefully, rather than luring it to him by burning brightly and irresistably. He's stepping off the stage here, accepting a demotion, if you will--King/Wands is the center of attention. Knight/pents is in the background.

It indicates to me that he's serious and wants to commit, that he's thinking less of himself and how good you make HIM look and more about how to prove himself to you.

Also, just to help me wrap my brain around it, I see the wands as being very kinetic, action-oriented people. Pents would be like that too, being the suit of earth, the body etc. but pents men would be less volatile, more unflappable?
Pents are not action oriented per se. Wands and Swords are aggressive, Pents and Cups are more passive. Doesn't mean they don't "do" or act, just that they aren't as direct, flashy, or in-your-face about it.

Put it this way. In a race, Wands is the Hare, and Pents is the Tortoise. A Knight of Wands will race after what he wants, fast as he can--and risk burning himself out before he gets there. A Kight of Pents will go after it slowly, methodically, relentlessly--he will get there.

A KING of Wands, on the other hand, feels entitled to "it" and will expect it to come to him, like a moth to a flame. He'll burn brighter to get it, but it will come to him. So this guy has decided to change even more radically than if he were a knight/wands.

Not saying that the fire is out--it might well be still burning in him. But he's donning on a different type of armor to win this battle. So to speak.

Al Si'ra

Hmm.. i was going to ask the same question about the knight of pents..i always get this card for my boyfriend in how he feels/what he wants to achieve or do positions..

The thing is-i mean what i observe is he does not do anything "visible" to my eyes for the improvement of the relationship.. and this is my personal experience but when i see this card i sometimes perceive the knight as not open too armoured even defensive if you know what i mean..and his horse seems dull and not moving as if he is dead (rider waite) but in robin wood deck the horse has green eyes-very appealing..i take it as- he does plan sth-he has very valuable things in mind-though for some reason he does not do anything to achieve it-as if he is his own enemy-i mean with that thick armour how can he achieve something concerning feelings?? i feel a contradiction within the card when it pops up in relationship readings-though when appearing in school or carreer readings i have experienced it to be indeed a wonderful card..

I am a queen of wands and somebody here mentioned that knight of pents can irritate the queen..well that is absolutely true..'cause you see i don't get his ways LOL :)

It's true that my partner being this knight to my eyes does not do anything-and maybe he does plan something -for the long run who knows..

I would really appreciate other opinions on this knight as i have some negative interpretations of the card-i would also gladly accept any comments about those negative thoughts of mine..



Al Si'ra said:
I would really appreciate other opinions on this knight as i have some negative interpretations of the card-i would also gladly accept any comments about those negative thoughts of mine..
There are two possiblities.

First, you may be quite right. There is another side to the knight--he has such a metitculous eye that he might get caught up in the little things. Have you ever met someone who was a perfectionist? Who worked and worked on one small part or a job and left the rest to just lie there? And you wanted to scream at him: "Just get it done!"

Well, that can be the Knight of Pents. Running in place as it were. That's his "bad" side. It's the tortoise retreating into its shell, or ending up on slippery ground where each step gets it precisely nowhere. He keeps moving but he's not going anywhere. He sees something small that he can't get out of his mind--rather than focusing on the larger picture.

Second, of course, is that you're Queen/Wands. And the methods of this Knight, whether they are going anywhere or not, can really frustrate you. You want to see progress. Big time, immediately. Chop-chop! When someone doesn't do things fast enough, you get up and do them. You can't sit still.

And it bugs the heck out of you that YOU always have to do these things. Also that others aren't as fiery, impulsive, wild as you. This is a conservative Knight. Armored, as you say, shy and not given to implusive action. He's never going to jump behind the wheel of the car and drive you both off to who-knows-where. If you want that, you're going to have to take the wheel. That's just the way it is.

Lucky for you, he's willing to let you take the wheel and drive. If he was a King/Pents you might be having some real arguments about that, but as a Knight/Pents, he's willing to let you call the shots.