

Did a three card reading yesterday because I was wondering if things were going anywhere with this guy I'm interested in, lately I've been getting the knight of cups in my readings and I've seen that as beeing him. This time though the knight of cups showed up in the first card in the reading, the card I usually see as the past. In the now there was the knight of wands and in the future the moon. Dopes this mean he might ask me out, or is it someone new?


it could mean that he is going to ask you out. i feel the knight of cups is a shy, dreamy kind of guy, who forgets to act on his dreams. the knight of wands, being a fire card, a lot bolder in comparison.

why not read the knights as yourself? the cards might be telling you you've been too shy in the past. be a knight of wands, make the first move and ask your man out. That's what i would do.


Hm, good point...