Lenormand reading


Doing 1 reading with Lenormand deck

Hi all.
i've never dun this befor in the net but i would like to try to do a lenormand reading. usualy i do readings that look at several diferent aspects in one reading. but if you have a particular question it is posible for me to look for it on the spread.
for now i'm going to try to do 1. if i have more time on my hands i may go on to do a few more.

Thanks alot.

it would be nice if you can message me or post your complete name so i have something to try to try to conect with while doing the reading.

all i ask in exchainge is your feed back.


Have you got a victim er volunteer yet?

If not, I'll have a lie down on the therapy couch ;)


shure you can be my victim.
can you send me your name?