Looking for a 3-card spread looking at "why"


I often ask a lot of why questions because they're the hardest for me to interpret usually. So, I'd be grateful if some of you could share any 3-card spreads for determining why?
Why does ___ do this?
Why does ___ feel like this?
Why did this happen?

Usually if I do a 3-card for why, I just lay out 3 cards. Usually, I will end up interpreting each card as a different reason. Occasionally, they all point to 1 reason.


Why did this happen?

1) Factors that I contributed
2) Factors the environment contributed
3) Outcome

Why does _____ do this?

1) Unconscious influence
2) Conscious influence
3) Enviromental factors

Why does _____ feel like this?

1) Past influence
2) Present influence
3) Guidance


I like those :). I've kind of borrowed the concept for one and thought of one for a person.

1. Underlying Reason
2. Face-Value Reason
3. What's unaware