Looking for a good symbols dictionary


Recommendation for a good symbols dictionary

I'm looking for a good dictionary of symbols to use with Tarot. Any suggestions? There are a bunch out there, and I'm not sure which to pick.


Ok, so I found some good threads on this b/c I finally figured out which forum to search. Suggestions are always welcome.


In my opinion, for studying the tarot, you'll probably get the most bang for your buck if you get one that's only about tarot symbols. General symbol dictionaries, while informative, have all kinds of other stuff that has nothing to do with tarot. The tarot information in them can be pretty hit-and-miss.

I can recommend The Tarot by Richard Cavendish. It's richly illustrated and very informative in many aspects of tarot cards.

ISBN: 0517612070


I asked the same question here some months back. People recommended Pictures from the Heart: A Tarot Dictionary (sadly it's still not available in these parts). Seems to be a good read. I'll have to wait to get my hands on it, though.