Looking for a Spread


On the


under the 'Some more alternative' section

the author refers to The Major Arcana Spread (using the full deck), but it shows only the beginning of the spread. The reference given is AT (no specifics). I am searching for this spread for half an hour now with no luck (obviously my search method needs much improvement)

Is someone familiar with it?

"The Major Arcana Spread (using the full deck)

While searching on tarotforum.net, I found a great spread that uses the Major Arcana to create the spread itself. That is, each position is related to each Major Arcana card. The difference, however, is that the full Tarot deck is used – not just the Major Arcana cards. Here’s the basic layout:

Card 1 – The Fool – The initial journey

Card 2 – The Magician – Actions that need to be taken

Card 3 – The High Priestess – Mysteries that need to be uncovered

Card 4 – The Empress – Sources of creativity and abundance

Card 5 – The Emperor – Required structures

…and so on until all 22 cards are laid out."

I'd like to find the meaning of the cards' position for the rest of cards not listed. Thank you!


I took a look at this, and I don't think the rest of the spread is listed anywhere. But the author said the spread follows the general idea of each Major Arcana card (but uses the whole deck).

So it would be a 22-card spread, and the first card would be

1. The initial journey
2. Actions that need to be taken
etc, and so on.

I think the author is wanting you to use your own knowledge of the Major Arcana to complete the spread. So, for example, position 5 would be something like, "traditions that must be respected," (for the Heirophant) and position 6 would be "An upcoming choice," and so on and so on.

I'm seeing this basically as a good idea, a good basis for a reading that you must complete yourself, using your own personal experience and knowledge of the Majors.

Hope this helps!


Thank you both!

I liked the meanings that were given in the post and I was curious to read the rest (I would've modified them to my liking anyway). She referred to an AT thread but than I heard the initial website it was posted on isn't functional anymore.

Of course I can give the positions' meaning myself. Off to work! :)


I've got an answer from biddytarot (Brigit)

"Rylla, the Major Arcana spread is intended as a 5 card spread, rather than a 22 card spread. You use only the Major Arcana cards, but you only draw 5 cards for the reading."