Lost Stuff Spread



About one month (even more) ago, i've been sent three packages through the mail and none of them have arrived yet. They all come from North America, but from three different places: Amazon.ca, Amazon.com & from a friend. I've been waiting for them for a long time and nothing. I'm starting to wonder if they got lost, but before i get desperate, i wanted to ask the Tarot...and i need a spread.
I'll probably have to make my own, but first i'd like to have some ideas because i don't know where to begin!


:TPW Yuko


Yeah, this is a really good spread to find lost things


They are nice, but still...it's not something **I** lost. I think someone else lost MY stuff, someone i don't knoiw, and i want to know if it's indeed lost or just delayed etc.

Guess i'll have to make my own

Thanks anyway :)

:TPW Yuko



miss_yuko said:

About one month (even more) ago, i've been sent three packages through the mail and none of them have arrived yet. They all come from North America, but from three different places: Amazon.ca, Amazon.com & from a friend. I've been waiting for them for a long time and nothing. I'm starting to wonder if they got lost, but before i get desperate, i wanted to ask the Tarot...and i need a spread.
I'll probably have to make my own, but first i'd like to have some ideas because i don't know where to begin!


:TPW Yuko

With the Amazon ones you can always try 'Tracking' them. Bottom of Amazon's front page where it says, 'Where's My Stuff?'.