Lost trust spread


My partner did something very serious earlier this year, so serious I lost my trust in him. Having tried to put these things to the back of my mind and give him another chance I now feel I am being manipulated into situation where I must choose whether I trust unconditionally again, rather than let it happen naturally - if there is such a thing.

I need a spread that will help me look at the issues in a rational way ... I'm not feeling too rational at the moment. He has a less than brilliant track record with fidelity even before I came along and is very good at head games, but insists I can trust him :(

Your help in finding a suitable spread would be very much appreciated

Thank you


I recommend

Umbrae's relationship spread . . .


. . . but I'd also advise against accepting that your trust is something to be given just because it's asked for and expected.

Trust is earned, and it is a fragile thing to rebuild once lost. You're not to blame for having difficulty offering it again once you've been hurt. Forgiveness is one thing and trusting again is another thing entirely.

Maybe a third party could read for you? You could offer a reading in the Reading Exchange for one on this question for you? You could request the return reading be done for you by PM if you wanted.



Here's a possible Lost Trust spread for you. I came up with this one on the spur of the moment, so it probably needs refining. Feel free to use it, ignore it, or change it beyond recognition :)

1. The situation as you see it
2. The situation as he sees it
3. Why you want to trust again
4. Why you don't want to trust again
5. What is likely to happen if you do trust again
6. What is likely to happen if you don't trust again
7. Advice

You could also try the Harsh Truths spread I created - I thought of that one since you mentioned wanting a way to look at the issues in a rational way. You can find it here: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27675

I also think Nevada's idea of having somebody else do the reading for you is a good idea - that way you'd be sure it was objective.


For getting at the heart of an issue, I like the Dig Deeper spread. It was originally posted by a member named Myrrha.


Card 1 - Your perception of the current situation

Card 2 - Another's view of it (i.e. the Other Person's, or a more objective view)

Card 3 - The Answer - What you need, but have denied yourself, or not seen

Card 4 - The Hidden Question - What you are really asking, or seeking

Card 5 - What needs left behind, given up or destroyed

Card 6 - What needs created or built


Thanks everyone, I'll give them a go