Lots Major Cards?


I am wondering what it means to get all Major cards in a 5 card reading? I have not had this before. The question was about work and home life in the coming new year.


All Major cards means that you will be facing some very important things in the areas represented by your cards this year. No need for worry, it could be important in your life in a good way too, like a marriage is important but joyous.

Majar cards in general, at least the way I use them, represent important life lessons that we need to learn. We are being told by the card in advance that our life will purposely send us life lessons on the theme of the card to show us what we need to know and learn.

You are being asked to watch for these events when they show up and to try and learn from them. Like if you get the judgment card it might be that you will be send someone in your life who normally you might have judged in a certain way but yuo are being asked instead to try and see things from their side and not judge them...that kind of thing.

And of course the ones about home will take place in your homelife and the ones about work will take place in your workplace.

Or if the Lovers card came up you would get experiences taht might make you feel loved and teach you more about love.:grin:



Thank you

Thank you for your help in this.


a suggestion

Majors have been coming up a lot for people I have read for regarding "the new year" - higher philosophical take on a "broad-minded" question.
If you would like an answer that is more "down-to earth", you might want to "tighten" your question, such as "What action can I take to improve my work situation in the new year?" etc. Make the question specific, and the answer will usually be more specific - will show more minors.


I interpret a proliferation of Major Arcana cards (esp. 5 out of 5!) to mean that the situation is currently out of your hands, you have little of the situation and/or the coming events.