Love or Arrange Marriage


Hey friends,

Can anyone help me out? i am looking for a spread by which i can whether the querent is going to have love or arrange marriage?

Pls reply if you know one....


its a difficult question, because many arranged marriages end up in love, but dont start that way. I would look in the spread index and see if anything there would help you

Glass Owl

If someone is asking for advice regarding which path would be a better choice for them, you could use one of these spreads.

Which Path is better for me - I think that this would be an excellent spread for getting some insights into the querent's situation and to examine the positives and negatives of each choice. I wouldn't get too caught up in worrying which path you pick for each row either since the positions are the same for each. Basically, I would just make sure that you are clear before the reading what each row will represent.

The Different Path's Spread - If you go with this one I would recommend that you decide beforehand which paths Position 2 and 3 will represent. For example, you could say Position 2 is for a love marriage and the Position 3 is an arranged marriage.