Lovers, 2 of Cups -- career reading??


I'm trying to go beyond the obvious interpretation of finding love at work or finding work through love. I think the duality might be talking about the choices I have to make as I'm sort of at a crossroads. The Lover was in the future position in a celtic cross paired with the 6 of swords at the outcome position. I'm having trouble interpreting this; 6 of swords can mean leaving the old for the new, changing locations and jobs. Or it can mean cutting your losses and moving on from the dream I have in the back of my mind as I wonder whether I should take a risk or play it safe. This reading was paired with a lot of other swords.

The 2 of Cups, on the other hand, I got in the outcome position with the Hierophant in the future position. This was a different reading. It means conformity to a large extent, so it seems at least in the short term I'll be going with the safer option. I also once received the Hierophant in the future position with Ace of Cups as the outcome, saying that the traditional safe route will actually make me happy, or claiming I will eventually get what I want.

Thoughts, friends?


Moderator note

Hi Meg88,

Please take a look at the posting rules: HERE (click).
You need to add the rest of the reading including interpretations along with the deck you used.

Could other posters please wait till this has been done?


Sulis - Your Readings co-moderator

Edited to add: You also have a private message about feedback for your previous threads here.