Lust or love, knight of wands & sun as feelings???


Hey wise owls, here I am again still trying to learn these clarifiers that seem to test my interpretations lol. So I pulled knight of wands as feelings for someone as in how person A feels about B... I saw this as lust, passion, sex, not really feeling anything towards the person beyond sex. However the clarifier is the sun which I've always seen as warm, friendly, love, unconditional love, joy, happiness likened to being inlove, true love.

Am now confused. In terms of person A's feelings towards person B is it just sex or is there something deeper there, something more lasting/romantic, something that could be built upon. Really don't know what to tell querant about this man or his feelings as she is hoping of a relationship. Pulling the knight of wands makes me wary but I've always seen the sun as a really positive card. Using RW & don't use reversals.

Welcome any thoughts, feelings, interpretations as I am really stumped on this one.


As a clarifier, the Sun brings in the "burns brightly" aspect, which when joined with the KnW suggests that A feels "hot and bothered" about B and therefore is likely horny and looking for a quick jump in the hay.


***Knight Wands shows "hot" interest, so feelings are enthusiastic, and plus Sun suggest the enthusiasm is quite above board and lighthearted. Randy fun without the heavy breathing.


I would say with the Knight of Wands alone, that this person feels very passionate and very attracted to B. Person A wants to have fun and go out on dates, but not feeling real love.

With the Sun as clarifier, I would say Person A is crazy about Person B. Person A feels super-excited and amped up about Person B, but still no deep feelings of love. There is a very "high" feeling.

Mystic Zyl

I see the Knight of Wands as wanting hot passionate fling, but the Sun to me signals the start of deeper feeling...the sun represents new happy beginnings


Why "true love"?

I've always seen as warm, friendly, love, unconditional love, joy, happiness likened to being inlove, true love.
Hm. Why do you see it as: "love, unconditional love and true love"? I'm curious because the Sun card, in and of itself, really doesn't support that. I mean, I can see the unconditional love aspect in the generous nature of the card. I.e. the giving of light and warmth unconditionally and continuously. But wouldn't that be a sunny personality that gives hugs to everyone, not just to one person (a true love)? The card also stands for optimism, clarity of vision, reason, etc. Which are wonderful, but hardly the "in love" sort of message you get from other cards like 2/Cups or the Lovers.

The Knight/Wands, meanwhile, isn't just "lustful" but enthusiastic, energetic, and, very like the Sun, optimistic and generous. So I would say that the combo of the two doesn't indicate "love" so much as a very warm, very willing and energetic heat. To me, a reader should try to find what the original and clarifier have in common, and distill the meaning from that. My view is that a clarifier says what the original card said, only differently. So anything that doesn't match up to the original probably isn't part of the message.