Maroon tarot - 9 of coins


At least I have got the full deck of maroon tarot, it is miracle and magic. I am so glad and it have become one of my favorite decks in work. I invite anyone who got this deck to share this post and add your impressions. :)

I would like to begin with 9 of coins.

Manna - "bread of Heaven"

We can see on the card 9 coins falling down from the light of the heaven. It is look like Bible symbol of Manna. Lord fed manna the Jews until this nation was in its infancy. The ancient Jews manna - it is the food which they received during his four-decade journey through the desert.
Mann appears analogous to mother's breast milk. So that this card means motherhood, pregnancy, stable family life.
That grace, which fell from heaven, and the horn of plenty, people who have received from God, which helped them to survive and not die of hunger.
God sent down, after people began to grumble against Moses, manna resembled the frost on the ground, but the taste is like bread with honey. Origin of "manna from heaven", possibly due to the fact that the Arabs of the desert to eat a sweet crust with a tamarisk bush, which was mixed with flour and consumed as a delicacy candy.

The card shows the stability, prosperity of the success, sweet and reach life.

In negative meaning this card may say that we should not wait for Manna (bread from heaven) and start to make our life and happiness with our hands, everything is in our efforts. we should not escape from the work or relationships, from the help of our families.