Medicine Woman Tarot Peacemaker


Peacemaker 5

Number and Meaning, 5, Meditation
Traditional name: the Hierophant
Medicine Woman: The Peacemaker interfacing with the world.

Affirmation: "I am the mediator between my God-self and my world. I bring the within outward, recognizing that my presentation and the world's responses are just. I am at peace with all outcomes."

There is so much written in the book about each card......

This card talks of listening within your heart..

Self-questioning: Am I willing to move ahead in the direction i see as best for myself or do i wait until circumstance force me to grow?

Exercise: Keep a journal this week of the guiding voice that speaks while you are out in the world in action. Jot down what the voice tells you to do and what you actually do....

Do you do the meditation, visualization from the book?

Change eating habits? and...

Colours: a red orange for energy and movement. Be bright and clear. Notice in how others respond to the way you dress....

take your best and offer it to the world....Peacemaking.... true peace within self...offer your gifts to others........Go with the flow......Let go of the need for conflict....let go of ego.......

Look forward to hearing more from you all
