Meeting a stranger


I met a person the other day who, if things go well, could possibly change my life for the better. I met him by chance in a casual situation. Is there a spread that might give me some insight into this meeting...where it will lead me...who this person is...what I should be concerned about or thinking of?


I did a New Week Spread after my encounter. This was four days ago. If I interpreted it correctly, I am about to have a total life changing experience.


Here is one:

There is also a spread called "The People Check Spread" by Silver Ravenwolf:

1. Shuffle
2. Take small cut off top of deck – reveals person’s feelings
3. take next cut off deck – reveals what they are thinking
4. take another cut off – reveals how they see the whole situation
5. last cut – what they plan to do about it

I use the "People Check Spread" most often when a new person enters my life.
I hope these help you.

Blessed be,
Lady Marian



How many cards should I cut off? About five to ten?


Let your intuition guide you as to how many cards for each cut. If you are right handed then cut the cards with your left hand and vice versa.

Blessed be,
Lady Marian



Can I ask...why the reversed hand?


"Can I ask...why the reversed hand?"

When a person uses their hand that they do not normally use it sends a different signal to the brain. Thus, if a right handed person uses their left hand to cut the cards then the subconscious mind helps to determine the number of cards to cut off the top. In order to lift up the cards there has to be a pressure response sent to the brain and the number of cards lifted off the deck is different than when using the dominant hand.

Hope this helps to clarify my intent.

Blessed be,
Lady Marian


That's great. Thank you :)