Memory aid: Amethyst? Quartz Crystal? Both?

Red Emma

Memory aid: Amethyst? Quartz Crystal?

I tried both this afternoon. I'm trying to remember -- to remove its sting -- something that happened to me when I was five years old. Both my therapist and today's 3-card Moon Garden reading said it's important that I do. The feelings it caused need to be confronted and destroyed. Vaporized.

This afternoon I came to my little room, sat on the couch with a quartz crystal in one hand and an amethyst ball (about 2 inches in diameter) in the other.

I closed my eyes and counted down into a meditative state, then retrieved the time (about 1930 on a farm near Spokane, WA). I visualized the farm house, the yard, my parents putting luggage, and my brother and sister into the car for the several hour drive to Yakima. Then getting in and driving off down the lane. Without me.

It had been explained to me that I would stay for six months with the grandparents whose farm it was. I loved them dearly, but my five year old heart was broken. I felt I was a terrible child if my mother and father would drive off and leave me behind.

Now, as I write this, I can see the little girl I was running down the lane behind the car, waving and shouting and crying. I wanted to go home.

I didn't -- go home -- until I was ten. AFter that first rush of guilt and terror, it was a magical time. I went to a 1930's country school, which was just about like all the books you've ever read about those little red schoolhouses. Although mine was white clapboard. I played in the woods and helped Grandad milk the cows and Granny feed and care for the chickens. I loved it most of the time. After a while I couldn't remember what either of my parents or my siblings looked like.

Also, since displaying unseemly emotions was strictly forbidden in those strict and forbidding times, I shoved the terror and guilt at being abandoned out of my mind. Until recently, I had no idea what destruction it had set loose in my system, and was wreaking on me.

Odd. Neither the amethyst nor the quartz crystal helped my memory, nor dredged up the old, buried terror. But writing this did. I hope it's not too much of a downer.

Ruby Red Slippers

Oh Emma:
Thank you for sharing your incredible experience! A “downer”….No, a cleansing, a “seeing with new eyes”. Sometimes it is the Best thing we can do for ourselves, just to “see” from a brand new perspective with our souls' eye.
I hope you are feeling better and better as you clean up all the karma of this lifetime!

You may also want to think about using an Elestial crystal for working through this process - justa suggestion.

Elestial Crystals
These crystals are truly amazing. They are easily recognized by the number of terminations all over them. Unlike other crystals, elestials have been formed in water, and this gives them their unique appearance. They are excellent for helping you through any emotional processing, and can be used to stabilize thought patterns. They are also related to the angelic kingdom, so they can be used to contact the angels, who will often help you to overcome your emotional imbalances. Elestial crystals are extremely powerful so do not even consider working with them if you are resistant to change. They will certainly bring to your notice any areas in your life which need addressing. They can also be used to greatly expand consciousness.


Red Emma said:
Now, as I write this, I can see the little girl I was running down the lane behind the car, waving and shouting and crying. I wanted to go home.

That must have been awful for you. I could really visualise those events as I read over your post. And no... it was not a 'downer'! :)

I find that rose-quartz has the same effect. I have had some trouble dealing with the pain of a past relationship... and I have used rose-quartz to surface these painful memories, and to purge myself of them. I most often do this whilst bathing... I place the rose-quartz over my heart chakra, and I visualise the stones as absorbing the pain from the past... draining the blackness from my spirit. I then fill that space with positive, white energy... and afterwards, I rinse the stones... and cleanse them, visualising the negative energy being washed from the stones. I find that this is a very effective method.

Thanks for sharing your story!