Mid heaven


I thought this was pretty cool. It's some person discussing midheavens and their importance in a chart


The funny thing is, I want to be a social worker and that was the thing it said I should be lol.

And Venus is the the only planet that makes an aspect with it and it said in that case I should be a marriage councilor and that's also a job I want.

Thought it was cool so I shared :)


Not sure what the article means by Ascendant and Midheaven being the same sign as Asc is, by definition, the 1st house and Midheaven, the 10th house?

I was born with Gemini Midheaven, with Sun, Moon and Venus all dangling above my head at my first breath of air. So I guess that means I'm highly career-oriented, which is true. I've dated people from across all continents, save Antarctica, male and female alike, of age 19~40, or befriended them, only to have everything come to horrific crashes in the end. Because of this, I've also noticed I grow more world-weary than people my age should be (I'm age 23 now). And not mid-life yet, I bet that would be worse though.


To be fair, the article does say 'Sun, Moon or Ascendant' but I agree with you, it's not possible to have Ascendant and MC in the same sign, unless you were born at one of the poles (in which case your job opportunities are rather restricted)

It's not a bad article, with some good points.I haven't read the book by Rathegeb, but it doesn't seem to have any glaring errors from the description and looks like it might make a good introductory book on the MC

However going to the main page and looking at some of the articles, I have to say I find the website a bit 'loopy' to put it mildly LOL


To be fair, the article does say 'Sun, Moon or Ascendant' but I agree with you, it's not possible to have Ascendant and MC in the same sign, unless you were born at one of the poles (in which case your job opportunities are rather restricted)

It's not a bad article, with some good points.I haven't read the book by Rathegeb, but it doesn't seem to have any glaring errors from the description and looks like it might make a good introductory book on the MC

However going to the main page and looking at some of the articles, I have to say I find the website a bit 'loopy' to put it mildly LOL

Yeah maybe lol I was looking for stuff on midheavens and this is the first cool thing I found :p