moon signs what are they ?


hi everyone i wanted to know how does one find his or her moon sign? im a capricorn i was born jan.5th 1980 at11:36pm can someone from here tell me what my moon sign is or at least explain how i can find out because i don't know how to do a astrogly chart thanks.


You can go to an astrology website where they offer free charts or at least a profile, for free. Then, you type in your details and they come up with all the placements, not just for moon, for your birth date, time, and place. There are some threads here that will mention where you can go, as in the website, to get this done for you.

Sorry, that is the best I can do to help you at the moment.




A quick peek . . .

A quick peek at my ephemeris suggests that your Moon is in the late degrees of Leo, about 28 or 29. The accuracy of the Moon's position depends not only on the birth time but the birth location. Dave


go here and look at left hand menu
click on whats my sign fill in your details and it will tell you where all your planets are


thank you sharpchick for the web site i found out my moon sign its leo