More fog ......


Having left the fog cutter spread alone for 6 months , thought I would try it again yesterday its name , a somewhat gloomy prognosis I thought.

I wanted an overview of where life is going , esp. in relation to work / my current environment " Should I stay , or should I go now ...."


1: Where you are coming from : 3 swords ( RWS)
2 : What needs flushing : Wheel of fortune
3: Basis of problem : 9 swords
4: Main support source : King of Pentacles
5: What sways you : Strength
6: Ultimate potential of situation : 7 cups
7: What can help pull you through : Knight of swords
8 : Suggested next move : The Hierophant
9: Where you are headed : 5 cups ( not being overjoyed at seeing this card , I asked how I might 'minimise' the 'loss' : pulled the queen of pentacles. )

And my take on this :

1: Yes , I feel dissapointed , frustrated , lost.
2: Turn away from the current path that you are on (?)
3 : Connects to the three swords , anxiety ...esp about the future.
4: Looks like this is me / my current job position. I am my main support source . When alls said and done money does give you choices and security of sorts.
5: Yes , an unwillingness to persevere after setbacks ( I'm getting tired wrestling that lion. )
6 : Lots of opportunities (?) for a happy future ...but none of them acted upon / come to fruition ???!!!!!
7: Be brave. Don't spend too much time thinking about it , just do it .
8 : WAAAHH!!!! Is this telling me to go back to the councillor ?? ( This is who this card has come to signify for me in recent months. THo' of course it may be saying something different here?)
9: Ok , Loss . But loss of what ? I usually read the card as 'regret' so , what am I regretting ???? ( Am I regretting card # 6 ?) And what qualities from the Queen of pentacles can off set this ?

Any ideas ?

( I usually count up for the quintessential card . In this case its the Magician . It sometimes alerts me to something ....this time I'm not connecting to it . Magician ? Potential for all things contained ? "It's in your hands" ? . No idea ..........)


Dear samantha,

I'll try to give you my idea on these cards but beware.. I'm very rusty at tarot and am usually not so subtle. I hope I will not offend you in any way.

1 I get the feeling that you might feel a bit sorry for yourself. Things are not going the way you would like and you really dissapoints and frustrates you. But you seem to keep dwelling on the negative emotions rather han take action.

2 Maybe the wheel signifies a passive reliance on your environment that everything will eventualy turn out for you. It is time to let go of that trust and take control of your life. If you do not like were fortune has led you, don'y wait around to see were it takes you next but get out of the hamster wheel.

3 The 9 of swords to me represent the sword of damocles, 9 swords of damocles. You can feel them dangling over your head and fear that they might fall anu moment. You might feel trapped beneeth them and see only their threat and no way out. Whil all you need to do is step out from under them to relief yourself from their danger.

4 I'm not sure what you mean by 'main support source'. Is it a practical source of money or a more spiritual driving force behind your actions? The king suggests that your inner drive comes from a willingness to work. You need to have the feeling you are contributing to the practical world. This drive might leed you to do a job that doesn't suit you as long as it keeps you bhusy and feeling usefull.

5 You mentioned you are getting tired of wrestling the lion, but strenght isn't about force. maybe you need to embrace the lion in order to control it. What sways you might be your resistance to your current curcomstances. It tires you and absorbs energy. Maybe you should not confront your lion but find a way to accept that it is there and work around him. don't waist your energy picking a fight

6 I think there are many options for you to choose from, but a lot of them might not be very practical or realistic. take your time to observe your opions and be carefull to not get carried away in dreaming abuot the wild ones. Dreams alone will not help you, they will help you see though that you have a choice to change. Just don't loose yoursef in them.

7 To me the knight os swords actually does mean thinking about it. Not dwelling on it but giving it a good clear thought. Perhaps even discuss your situation with people who have a more objective point of view. It might help you if you partook in an active conversation. Forcing yourself to speak out lloud what you feel and think about this situation and what it is you want. it can sometimes really help if we hear ourself out load or even read old journal entries. Focuss your thought and express them.

8 Considering the previous card a counsillor is not a bad idea but I think an objective friend would work just as well. What the hierophant is telling me about this situation is get your expectations sorted out, What do you expect, what do others expect, what is the right thing to do? After you expressed your thought on the matter, hear what your environment has to say about it.

9 Where you are headed is not where you will end up and the 5 of cups may simply be a warning. leave the negativety of the 3 and 9 of swords behind you or you will regret it later

What these cards are telling me is that you need to change your attitude towards this situation. Become like the queen of pentacles, you like to be busy and usefull so find a way to be that AND love what you do. This might mean changing career but not nesecarily since it could just as easily suggest that if you appoach your current career differently you will feel productive and happy. Focus on what you love about your career in stead on what you hate about it.

hope this makes sense...


: Where you are coming from : 3 swords ( RWS)
2 : What needs flushing : Wheel of fortune
3: Basis of problem : 9 swords
4: Main support source : King of Pentacles
5: What sways you : Strength
6: Ultimate potential of situation : 7 cups
7: What can help pull you through : Knight of swords
8 : Suggested next move : The Hierophant
9: Where you are headed : 5 cups ( not being overjoyed at seeing this card , I asked how I might 'minimise' the 'loss' : pulled the queen of pentacles. )

Most of the time one best rides the unpredictability of the Wheel of Fortune at the hub, but sometimes we have to get right out to the rim to push ourselves out of a rut. I like the Marseilles card in this instance - it actually has a hand crank to set the wheel in motion.

I get a good feel from this spread.... the groundedness and good nature of the pentacle courts, your strength and intellectual rigour [Strength and Knight of Swords]. Your potential is only limited by the bounds of your imagination.[7 cups]. To whom are you accountable if not first and foremost yourself? [Hierophant].

But it feels as though you've turned your powerful personality in on and against yourself [the swords cards].

You have all that it takes to move yourself to a better place [5 cups]. But I sense your weariness. Let the healing energy of the wonderful Queen of Pents soothe you.... get out into the open and walk this weekend. If thoughts and ideas flow, let them but remove any pressure to make decisions. You'll know when the time is right to roll up your sleeves and get moving.


Hi Temperlyne

Thanks for your thoughts . I was grateful for your response , not offended !

" I get the feeling that you might feel abit sorry for yourself seem to keep dwelling on the negative emotions rather than take action"

yes and no ! I have 'taken action' but it doesn't seem to lead anywhere much , or throws up more problems . Its certainly cyclical in nature ( so I liked what you said about the hampster wheel later on !!) so basically I'm fed up , and maybe yes , the more that ends up going wrong the more fed up I get ...and maybe I have been allowing myself to get too bogged down with this negativity .

" I'm not sure what you mean by main support source"

Ok . This position indicates what influences ( outside or coming from the querant ) support / help the querant the most . ( Sorry , that was a very tautological explanation !) As you say , it could be practical , or spiritual or emotional , depending on the card.

" The king suggests that your inner drive comes from a willingness to work "

Yes . This is true . Tho' I hadn't considered the below :

" This drive might lead you to do a job that doesn't suit you as long as it keeps you busy and feeling useful "

Your absolutely right . I do need to feel 'busy' and 'useful' . Hmm , does my current job suit me ? Well , I would say that I am successful at it ...I 'match' some elements , I enjoy others...but yes ! Ultimately it does not 'feed' me . Makes me think of that quote by Wilde : " our real lives are so often the lives we do not live ". This linkage was very perceptive of you . Thankyou for that.

" Maybe you should not confront your lion , but find a way to accept that it is there , and work around him . "

I think this may turn out to be a case of accept ; and move on ! As you say , I'm expending too much energy on this .

Temperlyne , once again many thanks for your input !


Dear Aoife ,

So strange , I did not 'see' your post until now .

Thanks for your comments . They cheered me somehow !

It is now late saturday ....and I have been out walking pretty much since I
wrote my last post great to see that I am inadvertently following your, and the cards advice !! And for the rest , you are absolutely right.
Your epigramatic comment on the Hierophant needs etching into something !

Many thanks.



There is someone in your workplace, organization or professional life in general who may be able to help you position yourself better. Talk to that person. Be open to change but also to accepting something you might not want to do as of now, but which might turn to your benefit later. That is, you will have to compromise in order to benefit.

4: Main support source : King of Pentacles

8 : Suggested next move : The Hierophant