Morgan-Greer companion book


This book by Susan Estes just isn't satisfying me at all. What other books use the Morgan-Greer as their companion deck? Thanks


Spiritual Tarot ~Seventy-Eight Paths To Personal Development
by Signe E. Echols
Robert Mueller
and Sandra Thomson
ISBN #0-380-78206-5
Price US $12.50
CAN. $16.50
Avon Books



I've been looking for a Morgan Greer companion book as well.



I just got my Morgan Greer deck and the Estes book (from ebay). Somewhere in the LWB it says the deck is based on ideas of Waite (of course) and Paul Foster Case. So I'm sure The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages by Paul Foster Case would be a good companion.

Since I'm cheap, I went online and found this, based on Case's teaching. Which is better 'cause it's free!

Here's a link to PFC's Introduction to the Study of Tarot and 32 Paths of Wisdom (scroll down . . .)


Thank you rachelcat for the link!

I also know of two other books illustrated with the Morgan Greer but they don't give much help in understanding the card symbols.
1. Step by Step Tarot by Terry Donaldson (this one does a little.)
2. Intuitive Tarot by Richard Prosapio


Thanks for the link Rachelcat - made for interesting reading.

I use the Susan Estes book too and the Spiritual Tarot - I also tend to search out tarot symbolism and colour sites online when I want to find out why a particular colour was used or what a symbol means - there is so much more in the Morgan Greer that isn't in the RWS.


I'm bumping this up because I found a more substantial link to Case's Tarot documents. See my edited post above!