Moving house spread - financial reasons


Hi All!.
I'm really having lots of fun being here at AT. It's so informative :eek:)

I am hoping those many minds out there can help me out with the format/questions of a spread I wish to do.

Basically, my sig. other & I have managed to get ourselves into a spot of financial difficulty, as our combined wages are less then our outgoings :eek:( I cannot work fulltime to my illness, so that restricts our income straight away.

Anyhow, it was suggested as an immediate solution to our sticky situation, that we might look at moving house as a quickish means of consolidation. This isn't such a bad idea, as we are running out of space, and were planning on moving in the not too distant future anyway!.

So, does anyone know a decent spread/questions that we might ask the tarot?. We really need to know if this is firstly a good idea, the right time to be moving, the financial results of such a move (ie: will this help our financial crisis) along with the inherent positives and negatives of leaving.

I wasn't entirely sure if maybe a 'pathways' spread might be fesible, in that one row of cards would show what would occur if we *did* move, and the other row what would happen if we *stayed*.

Any ideas to help me out would be greatly appreciated!.

Thanks again.....
