My Personal Spreads


I myself tend to focus on my own personal walk with the Tarot than that which others around me take - though I may not specifically use any of the spreads I see here, or anywhere, the ideas are what matter to me. I may walk away with the concept in my mind, which will manifest in my own way when the need arises. In the spirit of that, and hopefully sharing that with anyone else who may either enjoy the spreads I come up with and so on, I'll throw out a few spreads I use myself - namely, ones that have come to me intuitively.

If at any point a card may need further explenation or confirmation, I always simply lay another card atop the one that I'm asking or curious about for further insight or elaboration.

I don't specifically have any names, really. If anything seems to fit feel free to toss some ideas my way. Always open to suggestions and thoughts or comments!


The first one that comes to mind is a nine-card spread. Initially, the purpose I had in mind was as an "introduction to the new tarot deck" spread. I used it when my Deck of the Origins came in - it gives a glance at the relationship, purpose, and meaning of me having found this specific deck. I suppose it could also be used for personal relationships with other people - or any force, item, person, being, etc coming into the querent's life.


the cards are dealt and read in the order indicated by the numbers, beginning with 1 and moving on up until 9.

The rows are representative of past (the top), present (the center) and future (the bottom.) the column to the right represents the querant, the column to the left represents the tarot deck/partner/organization, etc. I'll call them or it the "subject". The center column represents the working relationship between the querent and the subject - either the whole that is greater than the sum of it's parts, or the purpose for them having been together during this time.

Speaking chronologically, the past row would need to be translated as "the beginning of the working relationship" since it's kind of silly for the querent and the subject to combine into the working relationship when one or the other is absent.

This next spread has been temporarily nicknamed the "enterprise spread" because of the shape it has when you slope the external cards downward slightly (I do so for visual assistance, but it changes nothing.)

The purpose of this spread is to capitalize on all possible realms of insight regarding a moment of emotional intensity in the querent's life - specifically, for the sake of growth. As an example of this, I used this spread to analyze the fallout between my ex-fiance and myself, to gain the wisdom needed in order to decide how to move on and heal. Most of the cards deal with the querent, and experiences that lead up to their current predicament.


Card 1: The querent's current conscious state regarding the predicament as a whole.
Card 2: The querent's subconscious state regarding the predicament as a whole.
Card 3: This is a positive conscious 'driving force' or personality trait, values or honor, etc. that contribute to the querent's current position and predicament.
Card 4: this is a positive subconscious 'driving force' or personality trait that contributes to the querent's current position and predicament.
Card 5: Conscious, negative driving force.
card 6: Subconsciuos, negative driving force.
Card 7: This is a situation either related to, or contributing to, the predicament in which the querent's conscious positive driving force was involved, something which the querent has experienced or overcome that contributed to the positive aspects of the current conscious state of the querent. Chances are that this situation is either in the recent past or is related to the core concept of the predicament.
Card 8: A situation just like card 7, though this is a situation in which the subconscious positive driving force had the involvement.
Cards 9 and 10 are similar to 7 and 8, simply in a negative light - situations where the querent picked up a bad habit or contributed negatively, or suffered unnescessarily, etc.
Card 11: This is the goal the querent has regarding the situation, or rather, a possible point of achievement or accomplishment, a certain step that needs to be reached. If a particularly negative card, this may be a warning as to how things may turn out if the querent does nothing.
Card 12: This is what the querent must learn from the past, or a mistake they must not repeat, or if positive something they need to glean from the predicament's past or the things that lead up to it in order to either achieve or avoid what is indicated in card 11.
Card 13: This is advice about how to handle what is currently present in the predicament for the querent - either something to be learned, a specific aspect of the predicament which needs handling, or something the querent must do to either achieve or avoid card 11.
Card 14: This is either a future influence, a particular action, or more advice about how to handle the predicament in the future as to properly achieve or avoid card 11.


The Pentagram Spread: Cycles of Life

This spread came to me a while ago - clockwise, the stages of life. Infantile, Young Adult, Adult, Old age, and Rebirth. Not in the sense that it's a life-time prediction, but rather it's used when questioning a particular situation or stage in the querent's life. It operates on the perspective one has when thinking about the Cycle of Life.


Card one: the heart of the matter
Card two: The infentile/spring of the cycle, where we first notice it's existence.
Card three: The teen years/summer of the cycle, where the situation experiences massive growth of importance or existentiality, where a small problem becomes larger.
Card four: this is the adult years or the autumn of the situation, where the situation has solidified it's identity and begun to gain some solidity and stability, taking on a life of it's own and rooting itself in the querent's life.
Card five: The old age/winter of the cycle, where often times the circumstance or predicament snaps, breaking, forcing an end to the situation - either the querent overcomes it, or it overcomes him, or some outside influence changes it drastically.
Card six: This is the outcome of the predicament, or at least the ideal one - some icon of what ends this cycle or it's result, as well as it being the root of the next cycle of growth (Imagine card #6 sliding into either #1 or #2's spot.)