Mystic Faerie Tarot ~The Chariot~


The Chariot is a bit different from other decks as it is a flying chariot drawn by black and white griffins. To me the griffins represent the constant struggle of Yin and Yang the calm confidant charioteer is the master of balance between Yin and Yang directing her power as she wills. The griffins fight the containment and each other but yield to the authority of the charioteer. This Fae looks regal and calm in her deep blue dress, controlling the magical beasts with hardly any effort (the book says due to faerie dust coming from her headdress).

The book says you should look at the two conflicting things or forces in your life, instead of making a choice one or the other try to convince both forces to go forward the same direction. This is what I get from the card… It might be way off but… I see this as a sign that there is an imbalance of the Yin and Yang (male and female or some other duality) within your being and the answer is to seek balance and thereby move forward instead of fighting against yourself. The blue dress reminds me of descriptions of Nuit clothed in the night sky. Blue feels serene to me.
Blessings to all


I agree with you about the griffins, as I feel that the two different colours of the griffins emphasis the different powers.....your Yin and Yang being a good example.

I see this as a power struggle in oneself, whether to go this way or that, take the job or go off travelling.....different ways that we can be pulled in two with our thoughts.

But who controls our thoughts and gets control of that power?

To me the card shows that we must have a part of us that is tinged with the fairy dust, the control of our griffin...that we must one day be faced with a pwer struggle of sorts, and that we must find the power in ourselves to keep on the straight road.
Ang x


Ange said:
To me the card shows that we must have a part of us that is tinged with the fairy dust, the control of our griffin...that we must one day be faced with a pwer struggle of sorts, and that we must find the power in ourselves to keep on the straight road.
Ang x

Yes I see what your saying... Some beliefs say we are all part of the Goddess. That magical part could give the power to keep the two opposing forces in balance and moving forward. There is a Native American story that says in each of us there are two wolves a dark wolf and a light wolf and they are constantly at war... the one that will win is the one you feed. I really appreciate your input :)


I love that about the wolves, I'd not heard that before. I'm into quite a bit of that with having the dreamcatchers etc in my van...

But yes I see it as a power struggle, whether for someone else, or for me if I pulled that card. I would be looking at something that may be coming along that would pull me between good and bad, right and wrong, or choosing one path over another, maybe one path would be the right one one would lead me astray.

And the majors are all a part of our lives I think aren't they....the major decisions.

Ang x


Yes thats the way I always heard it The majors are all a part of our lives, or maybe the journey of the soul through life. In the Mystic faerie Tarot the represent major happenings in life and the minors offer the details. If you notice the minors are laid out in little mini epics or Faerie tales. I really love this deck. and the books author is a supper nice person.


It seems to me to becoming my favourite deck.

Ang x