natal chart / astrology question


my friend just gave me a natal chart reading. she also did my other friend's. when i told her she did the wrong day (she did sept. 7 instead of sept. 6), she said, "oh, that doesn't matter."

i thought astrology and natal charts had to be specific. why would she say it wouldn't matter if she was a whole day off in her chart reading?


I think that's a definite: WHONK, wrong answer. The outer planets that take years to move might not be affected. But the Sun, Moon & Ascendant change pretty rapidly.


cardlady22 said:
I think that's a definite: WHONK, wrong answer. The outer planets that take years to move might not be affected. But the Sun, Moon & Ascendant change pretty rapidly.

YEP I agree, you need the right DATE and location of your birth and the closest time possible to the time you were born for your accurate astrology chart..

there are great free websites you can get your own basic chart done



OMG the date definitely DOES matter! It might make you a completely different sun sign, moon sign...

It will not be an accurate chart! And it will be a waste of time to read the chart!


Yes the date does matter. However, in mitigation for her, if she got the time right (same time but day before) then the Ascendant will be right, unless you are at the very start or very end of the Ascending sign.

Sun, Venus and Mercury move at about 1 degree a day, so they will all be about one degree out on their correct positions. Mars will be about half a degree out and the rest are only going to be a minute or two out. Such differences in the inner planets may effect some of the aspects - that is ones that she has taken into account may be no longer in aspect on your birthday and ones that she has ignored may have come into aspect a day later. The chances of major differences are low but they should be rechecked.

However the Moon will be considerably out - about 12 degrees or so and this will be the key difference. It will also make a significant difference to the chart reading of your character.

I think her excuse was more an attempt to brush over a mistake, if it had been me, I'd have apologised and redone it.

I'd ask her nicely to do another reading based on the correct information.


thank you all for your replies. Sorry it took me so long to reply. I thought the exact day would matter. I guess she just didn't want to look silly after being so certain of the reading.