need help re: diagram for a spread


Hello everyone. I recently designed a spread i'd like to share, but i have no idea how you "create a diagram"? Is there some kind of "function" available to aeclectic members? Or in otherwords, is there anything i can click on? Or do you somehow type in x's or whatever?

I'm at a total loss re: HOW to do this. Not to mention, but to simply type in instructions on how to lay-out the cards, would prove to be a lengthy read and not all that effective, given that one picture is worth a 1,000 words


I believe you just use asteriks or a symbol of your choice to fill spaces... like this:


And then you just list the positions and what they're for.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy! ^_^

Well unless you have a lot of placements, then it could be a bit of a job :)

Hope this helped. :)

Edit: Cause I can't spell asteriks. hehe >.<


If you just put spaces between the numbers, they won't actually appear in your post - in other words, if you type 1 (then several spaces), 2 (several more spaces) and then 3, it will just appear as:

1 2 3

Which is why you have to put x's in to space it out. However, you can centre your text so you could have something like:


All I've done here is put the word center in square brackets at the start and /center in square brackets at the end - if you click "quote" at the bottom of this post, you'll be able to see the mechanism exactly.


Hello janessa, as Silver_Skye and Netzach have already said, you need to put place holders between the numbers. Please read through the Guidelines for sharing Tarot Spreads for other rules of the forum also.



Many thanks everyone

Thanks everyone. I'm going to post my spread in the "your readings" section, whenever i get a chance.