need help with a dream


Ok 5 months ago I had a dream where my grandfather put a child in my lap I looked at this little boy and said I cant believe my cousin has a son. Woke up and it was so vivid I called my aunt and told her my cousins wife who was pregnant was going to have a boy. No one believed me because doctors had already said it was going to be a girl but she had a baby boy a month ago.(short story now for the long part) A couple of weeks ago I had a dream where my boyfriend and I were talking there was a little girl with us sitting on the couch between us. He said " I told you we shouldnt have took her to my moms because she has lice" I told him it was ok we would buy the shampoo and she would be fine. He said " but what if she is alergic like you." I remember the dream so vividly, the little girl was beautiful. My boyfriend has blonde curly hair and so did this little girl, she even looked like me and him. I feel I had this dream for a reason I mean it felt like the one about my cousins baby but I am not sure. So my question is do you think this was a dream of our future child or something else I am not real good at understanding dreams so I need a little help. I will say this just like the other dream this one was realistic very realistic to the point of I didnt know I was dreaming when I woke up but thought it happened.

ana luisa

Hi Succvbi,

I think you´re quite right to feel that this girl might be your future daughter... It is quite possible. you know, in my country we believe that the spirit of babies who are to be born, stay close to their mothers before they get conceived. Mediums can see these spirits sometimes. In your case, it may either be a premonition dream or a warning one. Be careful if you don´t intend to have a child now, take precautions. Also, the lice bit is quite classic. Lice is something that annoys you, that is inconvenient and that you really don´t want to have. Your mom came into the picture so you may even be considering her reaction to such news. Lice live in your head, that´s where our worries lie too.

I hope this helps a little.

Sweet Irish Angel


I would be inclined to agree, Sometimes it can be a preminition of your future,To dream that you are with a child but you dont know who they are in the dream is knowledge of a talent coming to the surface that you didnt know you had.

to dream of lice can be a number of things, that you want rid of a friendship or relationship that you know is not good for you, can indicate feelings of distress or guilt, or that you are feeling emotionally drained.

To dream that you have an allergy to somethin, signifies you are sensitive to a situation in your life right now . you may feel emotionally drained right now.

because the emotional drain has appeared twice I would be inclined to think you are haveing emotional drain at the moment???


If you have a clear understanding about the way your dreams relate to reality (which seems to be in a literal sense) and this dream had the same feeling as the other one, then I would agree with everybody else in here.

There is a Jewish saying: “If you want your dreams to come true, never sleep.” So, go for it!