Need some tips against psychic attack


A friend of mine who is a white witch told me this guy I don't want to be with after finding out he is a narcissist might try to hurt me.
He is connected to the spirit world and she says he does black magic even if he says he's acting in the name of God/Love/the Creator. (I was sometimes really surprised at how judgmental and cold he can be for someone who pretends he was sent on earth to promote peace on earth... now it all makes sense since he fits the criteria of narcissism).
He dislikes my cats and dogs very much (he felt he had to compete with them for my attention) and my friend tells me he might also try to hurt my children.
I have had a headache since we had the big fight on Wednesday and it drained me out.
Any tips, any help, anything I can do??
We can switch to PM if this is out of topic here.
Thank you for reading :)


I like hoodoo and angel work for this sort of thing.

My hoodoo recommendations would be to burn a Fiery Wall of Protection and/or Reversing candle (or pay to have someone set one for you). After those are completed, burn a Cut and Clear candle to cut any remaining energy between the two of you. (If you don't know of a local place to get these, check out They can sell you the candles or set candles on your behalf.)

And if you haven't already do so, immediately ask for strong protection from Archangel Michael and your personal angels against anything negative he might send towards you.

Of course, you will want to break off all communication with him for good.


Sending a pm...


Kissa, I am sorry to read that you are going through this. If you are sure that this guy is a narcissist, then yes, he will continue to contact you and hurt you somehow. He cannot help himself, this is just what narcisists do, unfortunately. I speak from experience, as I have someone in my family who is a narcissist and can't help themselves but to hurt people--generally the people who are closest to them.

So, to protect yourself, first of all, be sure to practice self safety most of all. Keep your doors locked--especially at night. Keep outside lights on - so that your property is well it and not as vulnerable. Keep your car(s) - if possible - inside your locked garage. If you are afraid that he is a threat to your safety or those who depend upon you (your children, etc), then by all means DO CALL THE POLICE! Take out an order of protection. Don't wait for something bad to happen IF you feel threatened. Its not worth the risk.

You can also do a protection prayer, asking Archangel Michael and any other angel or saint and God/Goddess you feel comfortable with. Do your best to keep yourself and your loved ones safe too, of course. Carrying certain crystals can also help, and to find what you feel you need the most, check this site out. It has a wonderful list of crystals that are great!

And, of course, do not have any contact with this person, if you can avoid him. If he calls you on the phone, don't answer it. If he comes to the door and knocks and you can see out the window that it is him--do not answer the door. Don't call him either. Your safety starts first with you and you don't want to take the chance of antagonizing him more.

Meanwhile, if you 'believe' in these other practices, you can use the crystals in that list--you can also pray to the angels, saints, God, Goddess to protect you and yours, and you can bless your home inside and out with holy water.

My family has a tradition of placing a St. Benedict medal above every door and window in your home, to keep burglars and trespassers away. There are various ways you can put into practice that may help you, so do what you are comfortable with doing.


My first and last spiritual mentor turned out to be a narcissist. That was one of the toughest periods of my life...and is when I first joined this forum looking for guidance. I had no idea what I was up against, had no idea who he was...just kept telling myself that if he claimed to be a "teacher" of the spiritual realm, he had my best interests at heart. Well, least, not in this case. Towards the end, I feared he might do something to me...but, he couldn't do anything to me that I wasn't already "open" to. I let him in, like that classic warning not to let the vampire cross the threshold when he's knocking at your door. At first, I thought he had "supernatural" powers...but, he didn't and he doesn't. He was simply charismatic with great psychological skills that people thought were supernatural. And when I thought he possessed these "powers", I was only giving more of MY OWN power away.

It was such an emotionally distressing situation, that I suffered my first panic attack. He got under my skin. And it was in that moment, that he left my atmosphere once and for That the Universe felt it had to intervene in such a foreceful way in order to rid this person from my life, is something I probably will never understand...because that one event created a year of anxiety and turmoil for me....However, it did for me what I couldn't do for myself...which was walk away. My advice...NO CONTACT. You need to ignore him and keep yourself focused on that which is good and true. The rest will work itself out.

I know I've come full circle because I ran into him a couple of months ago. He came over to where I was sitting, at a coffee shop, to say hello. And I said hello back...exchanged some small talk...and that was it. Of course, he contacted me the next day via email asking me if I wanted any food from his garden...which is typical behaviour of a narcissist..a ploy to get back into one's life. The point is....he had no effect on me...absolutely none. I could see right through him. Any power or influence he had over me...was gone. When you know who you are and where you've been...these people have no staying power. They can't suck the life out of you anymore. You're stronger than they are. Truth celticnoodle said, they can't help who they are. All the best to you.


psychologically narcissists feed on insecurity, he wants you to need his attention. If you have to have contact with him, I would be self assured and make clear that he is not the only thing in his life. You have to play this to the situation and what you feel comfortable with but make sure your life isn't all revolving around him. If he wants to meet or do something, perhaps say you are seeing a friend or make clear you doing something else (outside of him). My best friend was dragged into a terrible narcissist who broke all her connections to friends and family! I didn't speak to her for 2 years :( He had her all to herself and in the end she got away. He is now a policeman! I hope I never end up arrested by him or something :angel:

So in terms of psychology, he is not the centre of your life and you have other people and things to do in your life. You are self assured and he can't get in that way (if you can do it). If you feel unsafe I would just close down everything and ignore him from your life. Worth getting crystals and spells too! I would burn a candle and picture white light all around you, protecting you! :heart:


but, he couldn't do anything to me that I wasn't already "open" to. I let him in, like that classic warning not to let the vampire cross the threshold when he's knocking at your door.

My advice...NO CONTACT. You need to ignore him and keep yourself focused on that which is good and true. The rest will work itself out.

I know I've come full circle because I ran into him a couple of months ago. He came over to where I was sitting, at a coffee shop, to say hello. And I said hello back...exchanged some small talk...and that was it. Of course, he contacted me the next day via email asking me if I wanted any food from his garden...which is typical behaviour of a narcissist..a ploy to get back into one's life. The point is....he had no effect on me...absolutely none. I could see right through him. Any power or influence he had over me...was gone. When you know who you are and where you've been...these people have no staying power. They can't suck the life out of you anymore. You're stronger than they are. Truth celticnoodle said, they can't help who they are. All the best to you.


Being strong and confident (truly, not just a pretend facade) works wonders. Believe in yourself, be sensible, look to common sense measures to ensure you and yours are safe but other than that, just say no, back off, no thanks and close the doors.

This is one of those situations where a bit of the 'right anger*' can come in handy to keep you focussed on your boundaries.

* - controlled, measured anger which does not control you, which strengthens you right up to your healthy boundaries but not beyond.


Doesn’t sound much like a psychic attack and given such info as you describe he doesn't sound much of a black magician.

It sounds more like someone playing on your fears. He needs telling! Something like, "Look, I really don’t want you in my life any more. You aren’t a part of it. You don’t like my stuff. I don’t like that you don’t like my stuff. There is nothing there." If there’s a threat, add, "I don’t have to take legal action to keep you away, do I?"

I think your best bet is to assure yourself he has no hold over you. If you suspect he has through some sorcery, then you may have to undo it but as things stand, he doesn't want to let go.

Interesting that someone here mentioned Hoodoo. Perhaps a Mambo can set Ezili Dantor on him. That'll wear him down!!

Is there a Mambo or Hougan among members here?


Unicorn Bacon

Block this jackass in whatever way you can: social networks, texts, phone calls... whatever. He won't like it very much and will try to get your attention once he notices, but don't start-up contact again. As someone whose dealt with those with personality disorders, just don't do it. Talking to him and giving him attention is what he wants, and he'll just use it to continue the cycle. If things get more serious, report and him and do what you can for your safety, but still don't talk to him. Let friends and family know if they don't already. If there's anyone you trust living nearby, tell them to keep an eye out for him, perhaps.

If you want to protect yourself in other aspects (feelings of fear, anxiety, however he may affect you, etc.), shielding and/or the LBRP or other banishing rituals. (The LBRP comes in many different flavors, so Googling or searching relevant forums may help you find one altered to your taste).