New Spread for a New Deck?


As I wrote in another post:

New decks sometimes challenge me to find
a spread that brings forth their brilliance...
at least in my readings~ something that is
inspiring and compliments the decks energy.

Fulgour's 9 Card Sheridan Douglas Spread
- Aeclectic Tarot Forum

Do new, or different, decks really work better
with a new (or different) spread than usual..?


An interesting approach & certainly contains merit since some decks markedly different with their unique attributes. A specially designed spread could emphasize the particular qualities.

As to whether the new or different decks acquired "work better" with a new or different spread than usual, it depends on the individual perspective &/or the deck.

For instance: the Fantastic Menagerie has a spread designed for it in its accompanying book called "The Humanimal Spread". A fascinating spread & distinquished by its unique pattern. I have used it for that deck only thus far & found it to offer intriguing insights for the FM, & see it could also be used for any deck with an 'animal theme'.

I note your spread for the Sheridan-Douglas showcases both the brilliant colouring of its cards & its images.