Non-gender-specific querent card?


Apologies in advance if this has been asked before - I did a search, but didn't find anything that addressed this directly.

I've just taken delivery of my first proper Lenormand deck, and am getting to know the cards and running through the suggested spread that came with the cards.

However... I'm not terribly comfortable with the man=male client, woman=female client thing.

Back in my hometown, I have some contacts in the trans* community, and when I go home will probably end up reading for my friends. I don't think it's my place to assume that X identifies more with the man or woman card, and asking seems terribly rude and insensitive, and also implies a strict one-or-the-other which isn't necessarily true or helpful.

So, how around this? Use some other card as a generic querent card for people of whatever gender? (Maybe the 'child', vaguely similar to how you might use the Fool in tarot?) Use a spread that doesn't require a querent card as such? Or just leave this particular system at home?


If you have to use a significator, you can always use one of the Majors or Aces if you like. There aren't any rules. In my LotR deck, I use the Ace of Swords as my significator as that card really speaks to me above all others in that deck.

I've used Magician when reading for sound engineers. If you've been around the music industry at all, a good sound guy is worth their weight in gold. I've used pretty much every card you could think of, like Chariot for mechanics, Lovers for married couples, etc. etc.

Just use what feels right, basically. If someone is a drag queen and feels that they are the Queen of whatever, let them be! There aren't any rigid rules here, and no particular need for a significator.


I dont think there are any rules at all.. if I use the astrological spread which has the significator then I will ask the star sign and pull the major which fits with this.. Then as darkmage suggested a major which seems to fit with them..


Since you say you are of the trans* community, why not offer the querent the option of picking the card that would represent them? Lord, Lady, Snake, Rider, Bouquet, Dog. :~)