

n s e w

Does anyone use this spread & what do you think?
I can't remember if I made it up or found it somewhere,
I think a combination of both! lol

North - money - coins - 4,8,12
South - emotions - cups - 5,9,13
East - ideas - swords - 6,10,14
West - work - wands - 7,11,15
Spirit - now - 2,1,3

----------------------4,8,12 (N)----------------

When I'm done reading the spread I put the Majors
together and minors together in their elements & make a reading. Also add all the minors to get 1 major card.


ros said:
Does anyone use this spread & what do you think?
I can't remember if I made it up or found it somewhere,
I think a combination of both! lol

North - money - coins - 4,8,12
South - emotions - cups - 5,9,13
East - ideas - swords - 6,10,14
West - work - wands - 7,11,15
Spirit - now - 2,1,3

----------------------4,8,12 (N)----------------

When I'm done reading the spread I put the Majors
together and minors together in their elements & make a reading. Also add all the minors to get 1 major card.

I use a similar spread. I don't know if I made it up or found it somewhere either! I use East for mental, South for creativity, West for emotions, and North for physical, with the Spiritual in the middle. I only use one card for each spot though. With three it would give a much better reading. I'm going to try it!