numerology & tarot suits


In numerology does this make sense to anyone if we were to group the numbers with a suit of Tarot just for reference or backup?

1&7 = swords=directly outward or inward

2&5=cups=moving from side to side & being flexible

3,6&9=wands=communicating moving energy

4&8=pentacle=structure & money

What do you think? Does this work?
Thanks for any replys?

Rusty Neon

Sure, why not!

By the way, here's a thought, borrowed from the method of French tarot author Alain Brêthes:

Try looking at your selected number to suit correlations as number/suit combinations that signal strong, very positive cards (well-dignified, if you will).

For example, according to your correlations, you could look at the following cards as very strong and positive:

1 and 7 of Swords
4 and 8 of Pentacles

Conversely, you could, for example, look at a combination of Two (which is strong in Cups, per your correlations) and Pentacles as weak.


very interesting.........
thank you