Obsidian? (and others)


What is obisidian good for? I know a few things about it...like the insight.

And whats a good stone to protect a lover?

As well as a good stone for luck and wealth.


Obsidian is a good stone for grounding. I've recently learned that. I've also found this online, but with some difficulties. I'd love to find a great website regarding gemstones.

OBSIDIAN: Can be used for removing blocks to the healing process. Good for divination. Reflects flaws in one’s own nature and reveals subconscious, hidden truths, sharpening external and internal vision, helping stomach and improving muscle tone. Colour:black or black with white blotches. (snowflake).

I know, when I purchased a smaller crystal ball, the woman who sold it to me recommended this other stone which was able to hold it--and it is an obsidian.

hope this helps!


Obsidian is one of my favorite stones- so far! It comes in several different colors besides black and snowflake- like blue, rainbow, gold sheen, mahogany- and another form- Apache tear. Each has it's qualities, which you can look at in any crystal book, but for general things that I've noticed- unbelievably grounding and calming. It helps me deal with pain and anger, grudges, any emotions that I am holding on to. It can help with trauma, psychic attack, psychic overload, overstimulation, chaos... it will show you what is hidden, making it a great seerstone. It can be rather ruthless in showing the truth however. It is so useful for psychic and sensitive people.


Lucivifate said:
What is obisidian good for? I know a few things about it...like the insight. And whats a good stone to protect a lover? As well as a good stone for luck and wealth.
Luck and wealth

Protection: Protection - Tiger Eye, Obsidian Snowflake, Sardonyx, Turquoise, Black Onyx, Bloodstone, Hematite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Obsidian, Silver, Tiger Iron, Tourmalinated Quartz



Thank you ^ ^
I new obsidian did something like taht but wasn't sure.
After more research it's good for everything...
Good thing I buy alot of it.


For my experience, obsidian is very strong grounding stone. It practically smacks you in the face with the matter of what you might not wanna deal, as it removes blocks and negativity.


For luck and wealth try my name! Jade!


It is my opinion that black obsidian acts as a venting portal--it takes negative energy and sends it somewhere--I don't know where--just away from you.

You never need to cleanse it--since it doesn't hold the negativity.

So it is very pleasant to hold and gives a sense of relief from negative vibes. Many folks can really feel this relief and will just want to hold it.

Carrying an Apache tear in your pocket like a worry stone is a great idea.

By the way, a polished slab of black obsidian can make a great scrying mirror.

Best Wishes,


Obsidian is mineral-like, but not a true mineral because it is not crystalline; it is actually volcanic glass. Obsidian is a stone of divination, and, of note, famous seers Nostradamus (1503-1566) and John Dee (1527-1608) were reputed to use slabs of obsidian in which to scry.
