Oracle Circles - Information

Glass Owl

What is an Oracle Circle?
An Oracle Circle is a group of members who have agreed to participate in an Oracle reading exchange. A circle's host creates sign-up threads, posts any rules for the exchange, then pairs up the members interested. The reading exchanges take place in their own threads and fall under the same reading rules for oracle readings and exchanges. (To view them, go here.)

At this time most of our Oracle Circles are inactive, however, members are very welcome to revive old Circles or to start new ones. For those of you interested in volunteering as a host, please PM an Oracles moderator BEFORE starting a circle.

Active Oracle Circles Index

*** Reading with Oracles Circle (ROC) ***
Hosted by: Fortuna
Description: Reading exchange circle using oracles for readers of any level. (Tarot and Lenormand are not used.) There will be a suggested spread consisting of 3-5 cards with an "intuitive" option (partners will be matched with others who opt for this).
Frequency: Monthly
PM Notification List: