Oracle Deck Structure.


Hi everyone :.)

Im hoping for a little advice please. Im planning creating my own oracle deck and I have my theme already in mind, even starting to think of the art media I want to use. I just am unclear on the structure. As I onky have one oracle myself Frouds Faeries, so I cant compare. I want to have each card representative of life situations. But I dont have a structure I can follow as in tarot. Is there a general set structure for some oracles as there is for tarot such as RWS Thoth ect... maybe I should just start and let it take its course until it feels complete. It would help if I had a guidline to follow. But if they are all completely unique I would then feel confidence to create my own structure.

Any thoughts would be very welcome,
Thanks Mags x


Hiya, I have a few oracles, and no, there is no structure from deck to deck. They can have as many cards as you feel you need, and any/no structure.

have the most wondeful time creating



I think the best ones really are the ones that have a structure of some sort.

Although a few of my favorites don't fall in this category, the majority of oracles I use consistently have a structure that adds another layer or dimension to readings.

For my own oracles, one is based on a rhyme plus numerology, another started with astrology, and the talismanic properties associated with each planet.

I have in my collection oracles based on keywords, animal behaviors, mythical stories, words that are hidden in the letters of other words, archetypes, medieval symbolism, gods and goddesses, hierarchies, stages of life, body/mind/spirit,flower symbolism, alchemical symbols...and other categories that are too obscure to try and explain! Even Froud's oracles are sort of structured around types of behaviors of the fae...separated into several categories.

You don't have to have a system or a structure...but to me, it sounds like you already have an idea of one.

Just stating that you want it to be based on Life Situations is a good start!
You can further divide that big category as you see the cards coming together. For instance, you can have the cards numbered by time or age that certain life experiences start,(childhood through maturity, and how things fall in between)

or you can divide them in to sub categories based on a spectrum of awesome things that can happen to the horrible things (challenges) and all the good and bad that lie between the extremes.

Right now, I am working on an angel oracle, that didn't seem to have a structure at first...but then after deciding that I wanted a deck to do spa readings with...hopeful guidance and advice...a kind of structure started to emerge.

Card are based on helpful words... the angels that represent Strength, Artistry, Healing etc...and when they combine they create more powerful Artisry+Healing becomes Art Therapy.

I know you will get there. Even if you just have a title or a keyword on every card that evokes a meaning...that in itself becomes a structure!

I wish you loads of luck on your project!


Thank you chronata for such informative reply. Reading this has made clear to me that I 'as you mentioned' already do have a structure. My idea is of the insect world because I feel it mirrors our own in a bizarre way. I was planning on defining categories of type of insect nocturnal/day walkers to reflect the conscious waking physical world and the subconscious psyche metaphysical world of dreams and spirit. I need to research as may further sub-categorise into anthropods/invertebrates ect other species. I can visit ideas such as social issues ants and bees and metamorphosis as in catapilars. Does this make sense too you? Do you think in your experience this could work. I feel drawn to the little world and hope I can bring this idea to life :.)))) Thankyou for your help x


Thankyou pathwalker for replying to my post. Wish me luck ;.)


The insect world should be a good theme for a deck, there is a whole world going on there so no shortage of material to give you ideas. I've just received a copy of Ted Andrews' "Nature-Speak Tarot" which has a suit mainly of insects, and some appear in the Major Arcana. Last night I started having a look by drawing a card showing a Cricket. The book that came with the deck was quite educational, giving information about the insect as well as how it related to the idea of the card, so the reader is actually learning about two subjects at the same time and how they fit together. I then got one of my old books out, Oliver Goldsmith's "History of the Earth and Animated Nature" and read what he had to say about crickets in 1774. Apparently there is a species of House-cricket very fond of warmth that used to live in cracks at the back of people's fireplaces and chirped without being seen. My updated 1876 edition added some entertaining notes about how they could increase to the point of flying into candles and people's faces, at which point the householders would try to blast them out with gunpowder. So some of the stories in older works could possibly complement the modern scientific information.