Outcome Lovers - Court Case!!!


Outcome Lovers - Legal Issue!!!


Did a Celtic Cross and a Three Card Spread at an interval of 41 days, both the times the Outcome is Lovers! Incidentally, in the Three Card Spread the Lovers Card followed the 2 of Cups. The reading was pertaining to a legal issue, any opinion on this? Deck RW.

I think it means favourable completion.


P.S. If anyone is interested, was reading a while ago that Lovers card as outcome pertaining to legal matters could imply that a decision has to made between two pathways. Well...that is kinda obvious, I mean the magistrate/judge has to indeed make a decision but could it be that s/he will offer two options to choose from? I wonder.


Could be that two different view points will be brought together in a compromise, maybe an out of court settlement?



Thanks MountainGirl!


Both the cards that you mention are, I feel favorable cards. 2 of Cups as well as Lovers.

Somehow I just feel that the options that would be offered would be favorable for you. Also thinking of the options offered, if you notice in the 2/Cups the male figure makes a move towards the female, so with Lovers (Major Arcana) as the outcome card it wouldn't be surprising if you would be approached for a settlement. Also with The Lovers card which has an angel protecting the two figures, I am sure the outcome would be favorable for you.


I would definitely conclude a positive outcome with those cards, and also a degree of independence.

The two of cups speaks of seeing eye-to-eye, and two parties respecting one another as equals. Because they are equals there see no threat from the other party.

As for the Lovers, the Lovers is a card about choosing independence. Going from the state of being in the Garden of Eden, as dependent children, to Eve partaking of the fruit and bringing about a state of independence (by being ejected from the Garden), it is the first act of rebellion in the Fool's Journey which results in Eve's autonomy.

So in all, with both of those cards, I see a lot of respect and growth through one party asserting their independence from the other, and the other party respecting that.


pacificwaters and xhollysue,

Thanks so much for your interpretations.

Bliss and blessings,