Outcomes Change When Circumstances Change? Your Experiences?


Hiya. :)

I have been doing several Tarot readings recently about a situation that is quite near and dear to my heart.

The "outcome" and overall look of the readings went from being rather disappointing a few months ago, to more promising recently.

I find this a good thing. But I am not entirely sure if I am spinning my wheels here...

My question is twofold: have any of you had readings in which a certain "outcome" changed over time? AND (most importantly for me! XD), did the "outcome" actually unfold that way?

I hope I am being clear on what I am asking about.

Thank you in advance for any experiences you can share.



Hmm... well think about this.

I do a PPF this week (past/present/future) then I do one next week.

Do you expect me to change in one week? Sure! I change everyday.

...but what if I do a PPF this week and another next week and they have the same message for me...

That means I may not have learned something new between those 2 weeks, follow?

I usually do not follow long-term situations, but I do follow my own spiritual progress. That being so, I believe that outcomes can change when circumstances change. Circumstances can change even if someone's point of view changes. Sometimes the outcome doesn't change because of that though. However, there has to be dynamic factors (such as people) affecting the outcome.

So, yes and no. Depends on what's on the platter.


I can't comment on whether situations unfolded as per the changed outcome in the cards, because I haven't had that experience yet.

However, I'm sure outcomes can change over time. What would be the point of seeking guidance from the cards if applying what we learned didn't make any difference? Now, you may not have been applying anything from the cards here (might not be that sort of situation), but I don't think that matters. I would suggest that factors have influenced the likely outcome. A few months is quite enough time for a situation to change.

Can you perhaps ask a different question about the situation to get a reading from a different viewpoint?


Whatever direction you are headed in your life your probable future/outcome is always dependent upon your continuing on as you have up to that point. If knowledge of a potential outcome causes you to change significantly it can significantly effect your future.

This seems worth distinguishing. "Outcome" is defined by the context in which it is foreseen. There is a probable future you are headed for yet there are endless "outcomes" depending on innumerable questions that could be asked during a reading.


The beauty of tarot is that nothing is set in stone, so naturally things will change. Everything, is in a state of movement so that can also be said of situations. What is true one day, one minute, one second, may not be true the next.


Also, the more people involved in your situation, the more likely someone's energy will change (or rather, he will change his own course), which will have a ripple effect upon the "probable outcome" you read about in your spread that depended upon the current trends playing out without change.

If that makes any sense to you...:)


Makes perfect sense, thank you SSN.


Thanks for the replies, they helped much.

Interestingly enough, it was sort of...what I knew to be true already. Only, I needed to be reminded of it.

It's great to see this idea put across in different ways that shine a unique light on the question - each reply.

I love it. What a hopeful thing!
