Page of cups is following me!


I have had the page of cups come up 3 times in the past few weeks, twice in the advice place. (the first time I was asking about how to improve productivity/work ethic and the second time I was asking about how I should approach completing my dissertation... which are similar questions although not exactly the same).

Today, I did a 3 card reading: present situation, next 3 months future, 4-12 months future (just kind of general, what do I need to be aware of, no specific area of my life). The present situation came up as page of cups reversed.

It seems to me that this is an indication that I should focus on or improve or change something related to a page of cups energy; or maybe that something having to do with the page of cups is missing from my life? I am fairly new to Tarot (I have been teaching myself and reading for about a year now), and the face cards still give me a lot of trouble.

I have been reading explanations about what the page of cups means, but nothing is clicking as the answer. Some more info about me: As I have alluded to, I am working on my dissertation right now, and I have been feeling decently creative and it feels like a pretty good first draft is coming together. I like my work a lot, but am pretty terrified about my prospects in the academic job market. In terms of relationships, I have been feeling like I am in a place of renewal, like I am admitting some emotionally unhealthy habits I have (e.g. having a 'victim' mentality unnecessarily, lashing out at home when I am frustrated with work...) and working to improve. I have a 9 year old stepdaughter and our relationship is decent; we have our struggles but lately things have been good, better than usual.

Does anyone have any thoughts about what this might mean or how I can figure out what it means? Am I reading too much into this (like should I not be relating these 3 readings to each other in this way)? Any help would be appreciated! :)

Kat Moon

Stalker Cards

This happens to me every once in a while, when the cards are mad that I am not "getting" the message lol. One time I literally drew the same three cards for 4 spreads (and two decks lol). It happens. I like this article about it

This is the "inner child" card. Maybe it is reminding you to keep some of your inner child with you through out this time. Getting the PhD and step daughter are big adult things. Stay creative, have wonder, let your emotions out.


I'm not following you! (jk)

Perhaps with all the stress you are feeling, the cards are reminding you to relax and take care of your emotional needs. Let loose, and as Kat said, feed your inner child some.

But yes, do take a look at the whole picture, all the cards should help you get to a better conclusion. Also look for spreads that focus on "stalker cards" for more insight!


The Page of Cups in the RWS shows a child holding out a cup with a fish jumping in it. What immediately appears for me is that your step-daughter is trying very hard to connect with you on a loving level. Is it possible that in all the struggle with your dissertation, you might be missing overtures from her that are caring attempts to draw closer to you? It's the Christmas season so maybe she's going to be giving you a gift and wanting to grow closer to you this holiday season so that your relationship with her will be more than just "decent" in the coming year. :)


Thank you everyone! I took Kat Moon's advice and did the spread from Biddy Tarot. It came out 1: Empress (reversed); 2: 5 of cups; and 3: Ace of Wands.

I have been trying to make a lot of emotional changes lately to be a better stepmom and partner (like working on letting go of resentments, not keeping a relationship scorecard, standing up for myself, etc). I have also been making changes to be better in terms of work productivity (I have joined writing support groups and changed working habits). I think the Page of Cups is telling me that my intuition to do these things is right and I need to move forward with it and burn away old habits. What is holding me back now is dwelling on the past and the negative things in my life and feeling sorry for myself when I actually have a pretty great life and should not be upset.