Page of Pentacles as a Suitor


Any insight into the Page of Pentacles as a love interest? It worries me that the Page is someone who is immature and inexperienced, but he could also just be innocent and genuine.


Any insight into the Page of Pentacles as a love interest? It worries me that the Page is someone who is immature and inexperienced, but he could also just be innocent and genuine.

No! Don't think that way! Well, depends on your own personality & what you want...but this card is very auspicious. It always reminds me of the saying my dad told me - 'Wonder is the beginning of Wisdom.' Do you want someone practical & frugal? Yet likes playing in mud & build sand castles? Don't expect a ton of superficial frivolity, but humor has many depths. Also very curious & I especially love a dreamer, a hippie, studious yet wise.

If you're looking for an accountant or banker, forget it. Although on second thought, maybe if matured...that could definitely happen. Especially if they can still get their hands dirty sometimes.


Wow, that sounds interesting. The same card also came up as the overall dynamic/situation. He has also come up as 4 of pentacles I'm not sure if I should take that negatively. To me that signals he sees me as an object he wants to possess.


Someone wanting to possess me would be a distinct negative to me. I'm my own person, not a possession of someone else. I'd see the Page of Pentacles being emotionally immature, for one thing, but otherwise pretty sensible and down to earth potentially.


Wow, that sounds interesting. The same card also came up as the overall dynamic/situation. He has also come up as 4 of pentacles I'm not sure if I should take that negatively. To me that signals he sees me as an object he wants to possess.

Well, that sheds a bit more light on this Page of Pents, if it's by itself. Perhaps you should post in 'Your Readings'. 4 of Pents isn't always negative, but...I'd be hesitant & keep my guard up. In its worst light, it could mean an immature unemotional control freak. I did say WORST...there are many other interpretations, depending on, well, ya know, the other cards, spread, positional meanings...but if those are the only 2 cards you have to offer, the immaturity of the Page with the 4 of Pents reinforces not only the immaturity aspect but the need to selfishly cling to physical things, even maybe becoming stalkish.

On the other hand, like I said, given other cards, etc., this could be someone who is very serious with saving for the future, is just starting out, but still highly dedicated to financial goals.


If this is a person who is always open to learning and discovering the magic and wonder of the world, then yay! I think the Page of Pentacles is a thoughtful, patient, persistent learner, but a bit on the slow side, but he isn't going to be independent or take the initiative, it's like he needs approval and told what to do and how to do it. But if it's showing this person is a boy in the body of a man... uhm, who wants(or needs) a Page if what you are looking for is a King? This could be someone with that Peter Pan complex, who is never, ever going to grow up and just wants to play games with his boy toys, go hunting, camping, hiking, fishing and hang with the boys doing all that earthy stuff.

I just responded to your 4 Pents/Page Pents thread and those two cards gave me a much different view on what a person like this might be like... probably possessive, stingy and immature, a collector of trophies.