Page of Swords reversed as obsessive thoughts?


Hi everyone,

I'm new here having started to take Tarot more seriously (have dabbled for 10 years or more)... I am wondering whether anyone else might interpret a reversed Page of Swords as obsessive thoughts? I asked the cards whether I ought to contact someone and got a clear reading (the answer was a resounding 'NO'), and initially intuited the reversed page as a 'NO' to making contact. However i have since wondered if the additional meaning of the card was also telling me that I was thinking too much about this issue and needed to get my house in order (I also drew the 4 of swords). I'd be interested to know what anyone else thinks.

By the way, whether that's what the cards meant or not, i fear my interpretation is perfectly apt...


I really like the interpretation of "obsessive thoughts". For me, it makes sense in terms of thoughts of this person and what to do in this instance preventing you from moving forward, starting new projects or following new ideas. The court cards are probably my biggest weakness so my interp may be limited, but for me upright he is clear thinking, intelligent and knowledgeable but still learning. For a question like this I would generally read him as "Yes, its a good idea" when upright, and "No, it's not a good idea." when reversed. The compulsive thoughts motif feels like it fits really well for me in the sense that is something you are thinking about, but would be I'll advised to do.

With the other cards mentioned, the message I would get is that in some senses you are being held back by a past situation and seeking to rectify it, but that the best way for you to move forward now is to be by yourself for a while to replenish your energy and build your confidence.


Wow, thanks, that makes complete sense and is very helpful. I was kind of sensing that but you put it very well - and I hadn't thought about it in terms of trying to rectify a past situation. That makes a lot of sense and i will ponder that - in a non-obsessive way, of course! Put in your context of the upright page being clear-thinking but still learning, reversed he might well be over-thinking and perhaps in an emotionally immature/stunted way (very much like me i regret to say)...?

Thank you again. :)


I think you should hone that intuition wulzcat, if that's what the cards are telling you -- I've never heard of 'obsessive thoughts' for the Page (usually the 'worry/grief/anxiety card is the 9) but it does make sense, especially if you think of the 'character' played by this little guy. Adding to 'obsessive thoughts' I would also entertain the possibility the reversed Page relating to slander/libel or just adolescent-style gossip that could land one in hot water or a habit of thinking negative that's precipitating conflict for the querent -- just another thought :)


Ah, thank you again, the slander/gossip aspect doesn't apply to the question i had in mind but it DOES apply to the past situation that i was seeking to escape/rectify... which adds another whole layer of meaning and underscores the necessity of the 4 swords phase. I realise now that by obsessing over a new relationship i was (was? AM) effectively preventing myself thinking about and dealing with the previous situation. Not that i can do a lot about that now... except withdraw from all of this relationship worry for a while.

I am fast coming to the realisation that the cards keep trying to tell me about myself when i am always looking for external factors... that may be a cause of past misinterpretations I guess.