Page/Princess of Wands?

enchanted spirit

I had never given the Page/Princess of Wands much thought. She just didn't turn up in readings for me that much, and well, you know . . . "out of sight, out of mind". Well, recently she's turned up in not one, not two, but three different times in readings for the outcome of a particular relationship. I've used different decks as well! Initially I was reading it as the relationship being a new and dynamic beginning, but I'm starting to see it as an immature obsession. This is really bugging me, and I'd like to get more of an outside perspective on my little haunting by the POW. Also, The World has come up twice. Honestly, I've only done like 4 readings on this situation over the last 2 months, so the fact that these cards keep coming up is very interesting!


I did a relationship reading, over a week ago, when I was in a good mood, but felt the need to do one, before going out. The outcome was this Page, and this past Friday, I received a sign of life - and what I'm assuming is a step towards speaking - but nothing more. I wasn't expecting anything at all, so that was a surprise. :)


I certain level of immaturity is a good place to start with the pages. But immaturity can be a good thing sometimes. Makes one daring, less bogged down with second guessing. The Page of Wands rarely questions actions. They simply go for it, believing anything is possible. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't


It has always signified that i will be hearing from whoever i am asking about, every time, without fail, hehe, i LOVE that card,but, thats just my experience with it, everyone's is different. Also, a quick response,in any situation.


One of my favorite cards. He/she can portend some very odd occurrences, spiritual in nature. Oob's, astral travel, anything really different And that's just the beginning. Someone who's all fired up, always learning & growing, & enthusiastic about it. As a child I was the princess/page of Wands - lived in daydreams, pretend worlds, fairy tales...


Page of Wands in a relationship reading to me signifies that the parties in question are exploring, taking tentative steps toward one another, seeing what this relationship will bring, if it will serve what each is looking for in another. As the suit of fire it means that things will proceed by working out of a gut level, looking for a little excitement and fun. But it is more grounded than the Knight, who is not just impetuous but throws all cares to the wind. The Queen and King know what they want and welcome all but only take seriously those that feed their fire. The Page is looking with eyes wide open.

enchanted spirit

Well, I just learned what this card meant in this sense and yeah . . .

It seems that one of the people involved being too needy and clingy. The other person describes feeling "overwhelmed and pressured" by this needy and clingy person. So, the page was immature, and the wands were overwhelming energy put into the relationship by that person.

The good news is that it's not done, but put on the back burner to see if the other person can learn to control him/herself better, and if they even care about the relationship if it's not full spead ahead. We'll see.