Period card games


I have been unsuccessful finding a reliable website with instructions on how to play card games from the 15-18th centuries (particularly how to play the tarocchi game).

I haven't hit my local bookstore yet, but I'm curious if anyone can point out a website or two with this information?

All of the books and online material I've been reading about the history of tarot cards says they were used for trick-taking games, but never say exactly how to play those games.

This website,, seems to have a booklet listing card games (and a bunch of other cool period games), but they don't have a detailed listing of the types of card games they include.

*Edit: They do have a booklet with Tarot games listed- I just had to dig a bit more.*


You really need to read Michael Dummett. He's studied them all!



I just bought one of Michael Dummett's books today. :)


Have you tried contacting the living history groups & the SCA? You can find your local SCA group at and look for your area. Email the people there & ask your question, they'll help you find an answer if anyone in their group has researched it. The SCA timespan is 1100 AD to 1600 AD and they've got some pretty rabid researchers.