Pink moonstone ?


I spotted it on ebay, just wondered if it was natural, or dyed, heat treated etc etc.

I don't just mean pale pink - its hot pink ! I'm assuming its dyed or something.

Googling not turning up anything much. x


Hey redflash, I just looked up my Crystal Bible and moonstone comes in white, cream, yellow, blue and green. It doesn't mention anything about other colours or how it would be coloured. Good luck :)


Yeah, I looked in the crystal bible, no mention of it. Some of the jewellery I have seen is VERY pink, it can't be natural, surely ? & if it is, what would the metaphysical properties be ? Hope someone on here knows about it !



Definitely treated. I have seen a pale peach coloured moonstone that I believe is natural but hot pink is definitely not a natural colour for moonstone.

all the best,


Hi there,

natural moonstone is geologically feldspar

Feldspar is the name of an important group of rock-forming minerals which make up perhaps as much as 60% of the Earth's crust. Feldspars crystallize from magma in both intrusive and extrusive rocks; they occur as compact minerals, as veins, and are also present in many types of metamorphic rock. Rock formed entirely of plagioclase feldspar (see below) is known as anorthosite. Feldspars are also found in many types of sedimentary rock.
Feldspar includes -
orthoclase a potassium-aluminium silicate - THIS ONE IS MOONSTONE in particular....
microcline also a potassium-aluminium silicate, and
plagioclase a sodium-aluminium silicate to a calcium-aluminium silicate isomorphous series:

Type in pink Orthoclase into google see what pops up... some are magical.
I have seen lots of variations in nature in the colour of feldspar Ill vote it could be natural without seeing the colour of the one you saw



Personally, I tend to question any crystal that's "hot pink". I'm not saying that there aren't any natural stones that are extremely bright, but you need to be careful. For example, there's all kinds of agate out there that's dyed blue, purple, pink and other colours that are almost fluorescent. I myself have seen some beautiful colours in moonstone, but the ones I've seen have been pretty subtle.


Razordance said:
Personally, I tend to question any crystal that's "hot pink". I'm not saying that there aren't any natural stones that are extremely bright, but you need to be careful. For example, there's all kinds of agate out there that's dyed blue, purple, pink and other colours that are almost fluorescent. I myself have seen some beautiful colours in moonstone, but the ones I've seen have been pretty subtle.

I agree. I've checked all my gemmology books and I really don't think it is possible that "hot pink" (assuming this is a bright deep pink) is a natural colour for moonstone or any feldspar for that matter.

All the best,


Might be good to have the e-bay link redflash, so we can have a look, if its still advertised
is a good place to see some exceptional and interesting minerals.

Maybe some of these lovely crystals might fall under hot pink - but not pink moonstone eh..

I am a geologist and have been to many mine sites, I have seen 'hot' pink minerals in the ground. IMHO Many gem books really only have photos of the standard or common forms crystals form, they are guides not extensive listings. Also e-bay lists some times use common names rather than technically geological mineral names. Further to my above e-mail apparently some sellers call pink scapolite pink moonstone, but if its in an antique the person may be advertising it as what they were told it was as it was named then - naming conventions change over time.
