Planet line up


I would like to know the truth about a grand line up of major planets on December 20th, and what effect it will have on our planet. A friend has heard this is going to happen.


I think what your friend means is discussed in this article:

As you can see the date is believed to be 21 December, but given the global time differences it could be the day before or the day after depending on where you live.

There is really any really astrolgically significant line up on these two days, using the most frequently used set of planets. Of course if you add in some of the asteroids and other dwarf planets then you might find something, but I still would not take it as exceptional. The more objects you use the more likely you are to 'discover' a pattern between a number of them.

Whether you take the event seriously in a New Age way, really is down to your own views but I don't really see any Astrological event to analyse.


Thank you so much minderwiz for your views, and especially directing me to the link you gave. It was very interesting to read, and l shall let my friend read it. There is so much talk about December 21st and I think she was getting overly worried when she heard about this planet line up. Her mind went into overdrive!