Poison Pen Letter


Hi guys, a strange one this but does anyone have a spread which would be useful for uncovering why an anonymous letter has been sent about a colleague and I? A bit of background: we work in an office, are both managers and a letter has been sent to our Personnel Department saying we are abusing our position and other such lies.

None of the allegations are true and we are both at a loss as to understand why someone would do this. Although nothing further is being done, we are understandably concerned that we work alongside someone who wants us to be sacked.

We do not want to know for retribution purposes, we just feel that in future forewarned is forearmed.

Any suggestions on a suitable reading, and maybe some help interpreting if I get stuck, would be gratefully received.

Blessings x


Here is a spread I just made up for you. Feel free to change the wording or anything you don't care for;)


1)What was the motive behind sending this letter?
2)What do we need to know about this person?
3)Will this person "strike" again?
4)How did the letter make me feel?
5)What did we learn from this experience?