Possible Upcoming Relationship Spread


This is just a quick 8 card spread, so it's not very in-depth. It is just to give you a basic idea about a person you may meet, your possible relationship with them, and where things are headed. I made it a few days ago, and it's the first spread I've ever created, so bear with me. ;)

1. In what situation will you meet him/her?
2. What about him/her will you be attracted to?
3. What about you will he/she be attracted to?
4. How will the relationship begin?
5. What is he/she like?
6. How will you feel about him/her?
7. How will he/she feel about you?
8. What will the relationship be like?



Adding this one to my journal so I can try it later. I like it so far.


I wonder if this would work for someone else's relationship, I'm so nosey, lol


Finally took the time to do the spread. Apparently I'm going to go through a relationship similar to a past destructive relationship I went through. Sounds grand. Negative reading aside, I liked the spread. Easy and simple.

Little Hare

hey will have to try this one out as an old flame has re-entered my life


Will this work with someone I don't know in person but I saw him in pictures?