Power Animals

Le Fanu

But isn't this a distinct Oracle from the beloved, triumphant Power Animals Tarot? Are you confusing the two?

Don't knock The PA Tarot. That lack of imagination and pixelation on dream cardstock grab me every time.

This one's a keeper. That Oracle one with its keywords and quality images is far too good...


Oh god you're right. I saw "updated images" in the What's New page and jumped to a conclusion.

Ironic that there's only 40 of these, but 78 Power Animals that'll burn your eyes out.


These are RECOGNISABLE ! Scary !


I quite like that oracle. The animals are nicely photographed and the designations make sense. It's all graphicy goodness...

On the other hand I LOVE the Power Animal tarot...want one SO BADLY!

It would be a nice treasure in my "Horrifyingly awful" tarot sub collection.

Sigh...I can dream....